Mi pare d’averti detto che ero arrivato a Tacoma ove avevo fatto la conoscenza di un certo signor Bartow, preside di una scuola, che era stato assai gentile con me. Questo signore, dopo avermi fatto visitare le scuole, mi condusse ad una adunanza che si teneva per decidere sull’ erezione di un museo d’arte che anocro non esiste a Tacoma, cosa notevole perche tutte queste citta sboccianti come funghi ne suolo americano per prima cosa fondan le scuole poi le bibliotche e po le accademie e le collezioni artistiche. La seduta fu piuttosto noiosa, e vero, ma in compenso fui cola presentato alle notabilita di Tacoma si vede che tra queste vi era un giornalista che prese informazioni sul mio povero io, tanto che il giorno dopo mi vidi pubblicato su di giornale che credo d’averti mandato. Dopo la seduta il signor Bartow m’invito a pranzo a Commercial Club, ove si mangio benissimo ed ove passai il resto della sera.
I think I told you that when I arrived in Tacoma I met a certain Mr. Bartow, dean of a school, who was very kind to me. This gentleman, after letting me visit the school, let me to a meeting, that was held to decide about building an art museum that doesn’t yet exist in Tacoma, this was notable because all of these cities which bloom like fungus in american soil, first found schools, then libraries, and then the [academies?] and then art collections. The session was more or less boring, true, but in exchange I was presented to the important people in Tacoma, among which was a journalist who took information from poor little me, enough so that the next day I saw myself published in the paper that I sent you. After the session Mr. Barto invited me to a dinner a The Commercial Club, where we ate well and where I passed the rest of the evening.
I think I told you that when I arrived in Tacoma I met a certain Mr. Bartow, dean of a school, who was very kind to me. This gentleman, after letting me visit the school, let me to a meeting, that was held to decide about building an art museum that doesn’t yet exist in Tacoma, this was notable because all of these cities which bloom like fungus in american soil, first found schools, then libraries, and then the [academies?] and then art collections. The session was more or less boring, true, but in exchange I was presented to the important people in Tacoma, among which was a journalist who took information from poor little me, enough so that the next day I saw myself published in the paper that I sent you. After the session Mr. Barto invited me to a dinner a The Commercial Club, where we ate well and where I passed the rest of the evening.