Dopo tre giorni di permanenza a Portland, martedi sera presi il treno diretto a San Francisco. Da Portland a San Francisco vi sono circa 1000 chilometri, ma vi e un solo treno al giorno, e questo e assai lento e impiega circa 40 ore. La strada pero e veramente pittoresca ed io passai tutta la giornata di mercoledi diliziandomi in spelndidi paesaggi, tra cui rimarchevole e quello che offre il monte Shasta alto circa 5000 metri.
After a three day stay in Portland, Tuesday evening I took the direct train to San Francisco. Its about 1,000 kilometers between Portland and San Francisco, but there is only one train a day and it is very slow, taking about 40 hours. However, the route is truly picturesque and I passed all day Wednesday delighting in splendid landscapes, among these delights/treasures? is Mount Shasta which is about 5000 meters high.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
July 21, 2012
Mi dissero poi che non era prudente scostarsi molto dall’abitato senza esser armato di un buon fucile a ripetizione, e cio in causa degli orsi e specialmente di una specie di orsi detti Grizzly Bear che sono molto terribili, specialmente perche hanno una resistenza vitale enorme tanto che si racconta di qualcuno di questi animali che resisettero adieci o dodici palle in parti vitali prima di decidersi a morire. Un altro pericolo e dato dai serpenti a sonagli che pero non sono tanto terribili quanto la leggenda vorrebbe. Io pero non ho visto ne serpenti ne orsi ed ho incontrato solo qualche scoiattolo e degli uccelli.
I was told afterward that it wasn’t prudent to go too far from town without being armed with a repeating (?) rifle, because of the bears, especially a species of bears called Grizzly Bears that are very dangerous, especially because they are so tough and vital that I’ve even heard of these animals being hit by ten or twelve bullets before deciding to die. Another danger is presented by the rattle snakes that even though they’re as dangerous as legend would have it. But I didn’t see either snakes or bears, I only ran into squirrels and birds.
I was told afterward that it wasn’t prudent to go too far from town without being armed with a repeating (?) rifle, because of the bears, especially a species of bears called Grizzly Bears that are very dangerous, especially because they are so tough and vital that I’ve even heard of these animals being hit by ten or twelve bullets before deciding to die. Another danger is presented by the rattle snakes that even though they’re as dangerous as legend would have it. But I didn’t see either snakes or bears, I only ran into squirrels and birds.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
July 17, 2012
Portland ha un parco vastissimo ed e costruita sulle falde in un colle dalla cima del quale si gode un’ottima vista. Essa ha la fortuna di esser sulle rive del Willamette, un gran fiume navigable ance dai piu grandi bastimeni. Questo fume poco dopo si getta nel Columbia River, il quale a sua volta ha la foce nel Pacifico. Cosi Portland come Londra, ha tutti i vantaggi della citta di mare senza averne i danne. A Portland, come del resto in tutte le citta della costa, travai vivere molto a buon mercato e mi capito quasi sempre di mangiar ottimamente e copiosamente con circa quaranta o cinqanta centesimi. A Portland feci una lunga passeggiata a piedi nei dintorni e mi inoltrai per diverse miglia in una valle ove solo un sentiero, praticato nel messo d’una fitta foresta di pini, mastodontici, mostrava la presenza dell’uomo.
Portland has a vast park that is built on the slopes of a hill, from which you can take in a fantastic view. As a city, it has the good luck to be located on the Willamette, a huge river that is navigable even by the biggest ships. After a bit, this river flows into the Columbia River, which in turn, has its mouth in the Pacific. In this way, Portland, like London, has all the advantages of a city by the sea without the risk of the damage the sea can cause. In Portland, like in the rest of the cities by the coast I’ve found life to be inexpensive and I’ve always eaten copiously and well for about forty or fifty cents. In Portland I took a long walk through the interior and I trod for several miles in a valley where only one path, carved in a dense forest of mammoth pine trees, was the only evidence of man.
Portland has a vast park that is built on the slopes of a hill, from which you can take in a fantastic view. As a city, it has the good luck to be located on the Willamette, a huge river that is navigable even by the biggest ships. After a bit, this river flows into the Columbia River, which in turn, has its mouth in the Pacific. In this way, Portland, like London, has all the advantages of a city by the sea without the risk of the damage the sea can cause. In Portland, like in the rest of the cities by the coast I’ve found life to be inexpensive and I’ve always eaten copiously and well for about forty or fifty cents. In Portland I took a long walk through the interior and I trod for several miles in a valley where only one path, carved in a dense forest of mammoth pine trees, was the only evidence of man.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
July 17, 2012
A Seattle me fermai due giorni e poi me ne partii per Portland, la capitale dell’Oregon, un altro grande stato che ha un grande avvenire innanzi a se come produttore di minerali, di legno, di frutta, di bestiame e di prodotti agricoli in genere. Il clima e qui tempertato e nella parte nord molto umido.
Portland e una citta elegante ed e forse la citta che di quelle che ho visto dopo che lasciai Washington (la capitale) ha piu belle strade. A Portland andai a teatro a vedere un’operetta che per dir la verita era molto ben rappresentata.
I stopped to days in Seattle and then I left for Portland, the capital of Oregon, another big state that has a great future ahead of it in mining, timber, fruit, livestock, and agriculture in general. The climate here is temperate and very humid in the north.
Portland is an elegant city and probably, of all the cities I’ve seen since leaving Washington (the capital) has the most beautiful streets. In Portland, I went to the theatre to see and Opera, and to tell the truth, it was very well performed.
Portland e una citta elegante ed e forse la citta che di quelle che ho visto dopo che lasciai Washington (la capitale) ha piu belle strade. A Portland andai a teatro a vedere un’operetta che per dir la verita era molto ben rappresentata.
I stopped to days in Seattle and then I left for Portland, the capital of Oregon, another big state that has a great future ahead of it in mining, timber, fruit, livestock, and agriculture in general. The climate here is temperate and very humid in the north.
Portland is an elegant city and probably, of all the cities I’ve seen since leaving Washington (the capital) has the most beautiful streets. In Portland, I went to the theatre to see and Opera, and to tell the truth, it was very well performed.
Monday, July 16, 2012
July 16, 2012
E orribile, come bruttissimi sono in genere questi indiani della costa, molto in cio diversi dagli indiani delle tribu interne che sono gente bellissima, comeche ora degradati dai liquori e dai vizi che essi hanno imparati dai bianchi. La razza indiani e, si puo dire, quasi finita, dopo una lotta lunga e terribile con l’elemento bianco, lotta in cui piu barbari non furon certo le pellirosse, lotta in cui i bianchi dovettero la vittoria ai tradimenti ed ai cannoni, non certo alla bonta della loro causa ed alla civilta nell’agire.
But they are horrible, these indians from the coast, ugly and awful, very different from the indian tribes from the interior, who are beautiful people, however now, degraded by liquor and vices that they’ve learned from the whites. The indian race, you could say, is nearly finished, after a long and terrible struggle with the white element, a struggle in which there were certainly no more barbarous than the redskins, a struggle in which the whites owed their victory to trade and canons, certainly not to the justice of their cause or to civility in action.
But they are horrible, these indians from the coast, ugly and awful, very different from the indian tribes from the interior, who are beautiful people, however now, degraded by liquor and vices that they’ve learned from the whites. The indian race, you could say, is nearly finished, after a long and terrible struggle with the white element, a struggle in which there were certainly no more barbarous than the redskins, a struggle in which the whites owed their victory to trade and canons, certainly not to the justice of their cause or to civility in action.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012
Ho trovato a Seattle un ottimo family hotel ove con 50 centesimi (di dollaro) al giorno ho avuto un’eccellente camera. Cola’ ho fatto la conoscenza di diverse simpatiche signore con cui mi sono trattenuto piacevolmente. Ho visitato alcuni dei dintorni e tra questi lo splendido lago Washington, uno dei piu belli che abbia visto. Seattle e stata fondata un venti anni fa e come Chicago porta il nome di un capo indiano che possedeva anticamente il suolo ove ora sorge la citta. La sua figlia Angelina vecchia di 70 anni vive ancora ed e mantenuta dal commune e forma una delle particolarita della citta.
In Seattle I found a great family hotel where for fifty cents (out of a dollar) a day I have an excellent room. While there I met a few different nice people who I’ve pleasantly stayed in touch with (?). I visited a few of the surrounding areas among which the splendid Lake Washington was one of the most beautiful that I’ve seen. Seattle was founded twenty years ago and like Chicago it is named after an Indian chief who formerly owned the land where the city now stands. That is daughter, Angelina, at 70 years old, is still alive and supported by the city is one of the peculiarities of Seattle.
In Seattle I found a great family hotel where for fifty cents (out of a dollar) a day I have an excellent room. While there I met a few different nice people who I’ve pleasantly stayed in touch with (?). I visited a few of the surrounding areas among which the splendid Lake Washington was one of the most beautiful that I’ve seen. Seattle was founded twenty years ago and like Chicago it is named after an Indian chief who formerly owned the land where the city now stands. That is daughter, Angelina, at 70 years old, is still alive and supported by the city is one of the peculiarities of Seattle.
Monday, July 9, 2012
July 8, 2012
Ma torniamo alla nostra storia: malgrado che a Tacoma mi ci stessi cosi bene, il giorno dopo presi commiato dagli amici di cola e mi diressi verso Seattle, un a citta situata anch’essa sul Puget Sound e che, benche abbia pochi anni di vita, ha un aspetto molto signorile e simpatico. Seattle oltre che numerose scuole possiede un’universita che ho visitato.
But returning to our story, despite that Tacoma was kind to me, the next day I parted from my friends there and headed down to Seattle, another city situated on The Puget Sound, and that despite being a young city has a very elegant, nice atmosphere. Seattle also has a lot of schools and possesses a university, which I visited.
But returning to our story, despite that Tacoma was kind to me, the next day I parted from my friends there and headed down to Seattle, another city situated on The Puget Sound, and that despite being a young city has a very elegant, nice atmosphere. Seattle also has a lot of schools and possesses a university, which I visited.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
July 4, 2012
Alla sera accompagnato dal Signor Bartow e dalla sua signora (brutta ma gentile) sono andato ad un a specie di ballo di beneficenza ove sono stato presentato a numerose simpatiche signorine. Si vede che ho destato la loro simpatia perche intorno a me si e formato un gran cerchio di persone in gran parte appartenenti al sesso gentile, con cui mi son trattenuto fino alla fine (mezzanotte) in una conversazione animatisma. Noi in genere abbiamo un concetto enormamente sbagliato delle signorine americane, come in genere abbiamo un concetto sbagliato di tutto quanto riguarda l’America, ma di questo scrivero un giorno o l’altro a Carlo che ha piu di ogni altro bisogno di riformare non tutte ma, molte delle sue idee riguardo al sesso femminile americano, a cui si puo applicare l’aggettivo gentile, ma non l’aggettivo debole.
In the evening, accompanied by Mr. Bartow and his wife (ugly but kind), I went to a kind of benefit ball where I was introduced to a number of nice young women. It was obvious that I attracted their attention because a big circle of people formed around me, mostly belonging to the fairer sex who remained in animated conversation with me until the end (midnight). In general, we have a mistaken idea about American women, like the mistaken ideas we have about America in general, but in this regard, one day I’ll write to Carlo who more than anyone needs to change his ideas, not all of them, but a lot of them that have to do with American women, to whom one could apply the adjective kind, but not weak or stupid.
In the evening, accompanied by Mr. Bartow and his wife (ugly but kind), I went to a kind of benefit ball where I was introduced to a number of nice young women. It was obvious that I attracted their attention because a big circle of people formed around me, mostly belonging to the fairer sex who remained in animated conversation with me until the end (midnight). In general, we have a mistaken idea about American women, like the mistaken ideas we have about America in general, but in this regard, one day I’ll write to Carlo who more than anyone needs to change his ideas, not all of them, but a lot of them that have to do with American women, to whom one could apply the adjective kind, but not weak or stupid.
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