It always feels like a breath of fresh air to start a new letter. This one is dated February 18, 1894. In the letter, Camillo mentions Carnevale, which is quite a big deal in Ivrea. I hope to see it for myself sometime. If you want to learn more about Carnevale, check out this website--which has info in Italian and in English.
Carissima Emma
Mi sono dimenticato di ringraziarti nell’ultima mia del tuo ritratto quadrangolare ricevuto probabilmente un mese fa. Hai l’aria terribilmente spaventata.
Dimmi come hai passato il carnevale. Qui il carnevale non e stato ancora introdotto comeche a St. Louis e New Orleans abbiano gia qualcosa molto simile.
Del resto gli americane son gente allegrissima a cui piace far baldoria.
Dearest Emma,
I forgot to thank you in my last letter for sending me your rectangular portrait that I received probably a month ago. You look terribly frightened.
Tell me what you did for carneval. Here carneval hasn’t been introduced like it has been in St. Louis or New Orleans where they have something similar.
Overall the americans are a very cheerful people who like to party.