Similmente le strade che vanno a sud sono distinte da numeri e si trovano parte ad est e parte ad ovest del Campidoglio.
Similarly, the streets that run south are designated by numbers and are found part to the east and part to the west of the Capitol.
Gli edifici a New York sono molto strani ed i nuovi sono enormamente alti ma punto belli. L’esser ad un piano superiore non e un inconveniented perche due o piu ascensori salgono e scendono continuamente ed e tanto invalso l’uso di essi che in alcuni edifizi vi sono, oltre ai soliti che fermano ad ogni piano, alcuni detti express che non si farmano che dall’ 8 piano in su, e cio onde far si che quelli abitano ai superiori non abbian a perder tempo nel caso vi fosser molte persone che volesser salire. Questo pero soltanto in alcuni edifici della parte commerciale della citta, ove in ciascun piano si troveranno trenta o quaranta uffici continamenta affollati.
The buildings in New York are very strange and the new ones are enormously tall but hardly beautiful. Going up to a high floor is not an inconvenience because two or more elevators are going up and coming down continuously, and it is so firmly established that they are used that in a few buildings you have some that usually stop at each floor and some that are called express that don’t stop until the eighth floor up, and [this is making waves?], that those who live on the high floors don’t have to lose time in the case that you have a lot of people who want to go up. But this is only in a few buildings in the commercial part of the city, where on each floor one finds thirty or forty offices that are always crowded.
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