Alla sera per un malinteso ritornammo a New York mentre invece un certo signor Upton capo ingegnere della compangnia Edison ci aveva invitati a pranzo a casa sua a Orange, poco distante da Llewellin Park. Chiarito l’equivoco per telefono, tornammo ad Orange e pranzammo in casa di questo ingegnere Upton con la signora Upton, l’ing Hammer ed un altro signore. Il pranzo fu piuttosto cattivo e il prof. ferraris fu poi molto disgraziato perche non soltanto il menu era assolutamente contrario al suo gusto, ma i padroni parlavan cosi in fretta ed americamente l’inglese che egli non capi nulla della conversazione.
In the evening, there was a misunderstanding and we returned to New York even though a Mr. Upton, a chief engineer at Edison, had invited us to dinner at his home in Orange, not too far from Llewellin Park. We cleared things up over the phone and returned to Orange and had dinner at this Mr. Upton’s house, with Mrs. Upton, Hammer and a few other people. The meal was pretty terrible and afterward Prof Ferraris was [disappointed?] because it wasn’t just the menu that was totally not to his taste, but the hosts spoke so fast and in such American English that he didn’t understand a word of the conversation.
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