Friday, September 30, 2011
September 30, 2011
A meno che le trattative con la Western Electric Co di Chicago approdino a seri risultati nel qual caso potrebbe darsi che io m fermassi per alcuni mesi qui onde incominciare le prove e fare i disgni industriali della macchina, io ho intenzione di partire entro la seconda settimana per St. Paul e Minneapolis, scendere poi pel Mississippi a St. Louis andare a Cincinnati Cleveland Pittsburg, Buffalo, Montreal (canada) Boston Albany New York Filadelfia New York Liverpool Scozia Londra-Parigi Strambino Ivrea.
At least the patents with Western Electric Comany in Chicago could end up with serious results, in which case I might stay a few months to begin the proves and create the industrial designs for manufacturing. If not, I plan on leaving next week for St Paul Minneapolis, then I’ll go down by way of the Mississippi to St. Louis, then Cincinatti, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Montreal (canada) Boston, Albany (New York), Philadelphia, New York, Liverpool, Scottland, London, Paris, Strabino and then Ivrea.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
September 29, 2011
September 29th, 2011
Non so come queste trattative procederanno, comeche la cosa sia stata presa in considerazione. Io non nutro grandi sperenze perche l’invenzione e di una novita un po discutibile comeche io sia persuaso che risponda fino ad un certo punto ad un bisogno dell’industria elettrica.
I don’t know how these patents are going to proceed, however they’ve been into consideration. I don’t have high hopes because, because the invention is a novel in a way that might be questionable, but I’m convinced that it responds to a certain need in the electrical industry.
Non so come queste trattative procederanno, comeche la cosa sia stata presa in considerazione. Io non nutro grandi sperenze perche l’invenzione e di una novita un po discutibile comeche io sia persuaso che risponda fino ad un certo punto ad un bisogno dell’industria elettrica.
I don’t know how these patents are going to proceed, however they’ve been into consideration. I don’t have high hopes because, because the invention is a novel in a way that might be questionable, but I’m convinced that it responds to a certain need in the electrical industry.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
September 27, 2011
In secondo luogo, avendo ottenuto cinque giorni fa il nulla osta per il mio brevetto negli Stati Uniti, ho incominciato delle trattative con due societa di costruzione d’apparecchi elettrici, una di Chicago l’altra di Lynn (Massachusetts), per la vendita del medesimo.
Second, I’ve obtained clearence for y patent in the United States and I started negotiations with two companies that make electrical equiptment, one in Chicago and the other in Lynn (Massachusetts) for selling it.
Second, I’ve obtained clearence for y patent in the United States and I started negotiations with two companies that make electrical equiptment, one in Chicago and the other in Lynn (Massachusetts) for selling it.
Monday, September 26, 2011
September 26, 2011
Ho lasciato pel momento l’idea di andare al West come avevo avuto intenzione dapprima, e cio per piu ragione. La prima e che mi ci voleva non meno di tre mesi (almeno per vedere un po completamente quell enorme estensione) il che mi avrebbe portato al cuore dell’inverno e il viaggiare a gennaio non e molto piacevole ed il ministero delle finanze non mi permetti il lusso di svernare in California.
I’ve given up the idea of going west like I had originally planned, and I think this makes more sense. The first reason is because I wanted to be there no less than three months (so that I could get a complete sense of this enormous part of the country ?), which would take me into the heart of winter, which isn’t that pleasing, and the minister of finance won’t grant me the luxury of wintering in California.
I’ve given up the idea of going west like I had originally planned, and I think this makes more sense. The first reason is because I wanted to be there no less than three months (so that I could get a complete sense of this enormous part of the country ?), which would take me into the heart of winter, which isn’t that pleasing, and the minister of finance won’t grant me the luxury of wintering in California.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
September 21, 2011
No Date
Carissima Mamma,
Ieri ho ricevuto la breve tua lettera che accompagna quella dello zio. E la seconda lettera che io recevo da te dacche sono in America, ma credo che qualcuna sia andata perduta, cosa assai probabile dato l’orribile servizio postale di Chicago. Viceversa ho ricevuto con sufficiente regolarita i due giornale eporediesi la cui lettura mi fa rivivere per un poco nell’ambiente sufficiente idrofobo di Ivrea.
Dearest Mamma,
Yesterday, I received your short letter that accompanied the letter from uncle. It is the second letter that I’ve received from you while in America, but I think a few must have gotten lost, probably due to the horrible postal service in Chicago. On the other hand, I’ve regularly received two journals from Ivrea which help me relive the wet weather in Ivrea (?).
Carissima Mamma,
Ieri ho ricevuto la breve tua lettera che accompagna quella dello zio. E la seconda lettera che io recevo da te dacche sono in America, ma credo che qualcuna sia andata perduta, cosa assai probabile dato l’orribile servizio postale di Chicago. Viceversa ho ricevuto con sufficiente regolarita i due giornale eporediesi la cui lettura mi fa rivivere per un poco nell’ambiente sufficiente idrofobo di Ivrea.
Dearest Mamma,
Yesterday, I received your short letter that accompanied the letter from uncle. It is the second letter that I’ve received from you while in America, but I think a few must have gotten lost, probably due to the horrible postal service in Chicago. On the other hand, I’ve regularly received two journals from Ivrea which help me relive the wet weather in Ivrea (?).
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
September 21, 2011
September 22, 2011
27 Agosto, 1893
Tralascio di scrivere perche voglio impostare questa lettera oggi acciocche parti martedi da New York.
Baci a tutti
I’m not going to write, because I want to send this letter today, so that it makes is out of New York Tuesday.
Kisses to everyone.
27 Agosto, 1893
Tralascio di scrivere perche voglio impostare questa lettera oggi acciocche parti martedi da New York.
Baci a tutti
I’m not going to write, because I want to send this letter today, so that it makes is out of New York Tuesday.
Kisses to everyone.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
September 19, 2011
Il recivamento (una specia di 5 o’clock tea, senza tea, ma con gelati, sandwich, punch, etc) fu dato a tutti i congressisti dall Associazione degli ingegneri elettricisti di Londra e fecero le cose de gran signor e con una tale finitezza che contrastava alquanto con la gentilezza alle volte un po piu primitiva degli americani. La sono stato presentato ad alcune misses e una di queste, una bionda ventenne di Indianapolis mi invito ad andarla a trovare al suo albergo con una disintovoltura a cui le nostre ragazze non sono abituate. Del resto questo sembra sia una cosa asolutamenta naturale e pare che il rispetto alle donne sia molto piu pronunciato que che non in Europa ed in particolare nell’Europa continentale.
The reception (a kind of tea at 5 o’clock, without tea, but with ice cream, sandwiches, punch, etc) was given to all the members of The Association of Electrical Engineers of London and everything was done with Grand Lords and [fitness], contrasting somewhat with the kindess and at times “primative” nature of the Americans.
We saw a few misses, and one of these, a blonde twenty-something from indianapolis, who invited me to go with her to her hotel with a kind of ease that our girlfriends aren’t used to. It seemed like this was completely natural e it seems like the respect offered to women is more pronounced here than in Europe, especially continental Europe.
The reception (a kind of tea at 5 o’clock, without tea, but with ice cream, sandwiches, punch, etc) was given to all the members of The Association of Electrical Engineers of London and everything was done with Grand Lords and [fitness], contrasting somewhat with the kindess and at times “primative” nature of the Americans.
We saw a few misses, and one of these, a blonde twenty-something from indianapolis, who invited me to go with her to her hotel with a kind of ease that our girlfriends aren’t used to. It seemed like this was completely natural e it seems like the respect offered to women is more pronounced here than in Europe, especially continental Europe.
Friday, September 16, 2011
I prof Ferraris questa settimana e stato perseguitato da pranzi e ricevimenti di ogni genere e non ha ancora trovato un memento per visitare L’esposizione. Elgi si e fatto molto onore e le sue proposte per le unita di misura sono state le sole adottate all’unanimita.
Ieri sera abbiamo avuto una conferenza di Tesla con esperimenti piuttosto ricevimento mal riusciti. Oggi abbiamo avuto un magnifico ricevimento al palazzino del commissariato inglese l’espositione.
This week Prof Ferraris was running from meals and receptions of every kind and didn’t find a minute to visit The Exposition. [this made a good impression] and his proposal for the units of measurement was the only one adopted unanimously.
Ieri sera abbiamo avuto una conferenza di Tesla con esperimenti piuttosto ricevimento mal riusciti. Oggi abbiamo avuto un magnifico ricevimento al palazzino del commissariato inglese l’espositione.
This week Prof Ferraris was running from meals and receptions of every kind and didn’t find a minute to visit The Exposition. [this made a good impression] and his proposal for the units of measurement was the only one adopted unanimously.
Monday, September 12, 2011
September 12, 2011
September 13, 2011
Pero anche questa qualita puo produrre dei buoni effetti, e se gli americani avessero conosciuto bene tutte le teorie sull’eletricita, forse si sarebbero spaventati, invece avendono solo idea vaghe ed indistinte credettero che ogno cosa fosse facile e si diedero con entusiasmo a provare e riprovare molte volte l’imbroccarono giusta, e credendo ingenuamente di esser guidati da concette scientifici finirono per trovare invece quasi a case fenomeni importantissimi e costruire macchine quasi perfette.
However, even this quality can create good effects, and if the americans really knew electrical theory well, maybe they would be intimidated, instead, with only vague, indistinct ideas, they think that everything will be easy, and they throw themselves into trying and retrying things, and a lot of times they hit on the right thing, and they think they are smart having been guided by scientific concepts and they end up discovering important phenomena almost at random, creating near perfect machines.
Pero anche questa qualita puo produrre dei buoni effetti, e se gli americani avessero conosciuto bene tutte le teorie sull’eletricita, forse si sarebbero spaventati, invece avendono solo idea vaghe ed indistinte credettero che ogno cosa fosse facile e si diedero con entusiasmo a provare e riprovare molte volte l’imbroccarono giusta, e credendo ingenuamente di esser guidati da concette scientifici finirono per trovare invece quasi a case fenomeni importantissimi e costruire macchine quasi perfette.
However, even this quality can create good effects, and if the americans really knew electrical theory well, maybe they would be intimidated, instead, with only vague, indistinct ideas, they think that everything will be easy, and they throw themselves into trying and retrying things, and a lot of times they hit on the right thing, and they think they are smart having been guided by scientific concepts and they end up discovering important phenomena almost at random, creating near perfect machines.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
September 8, 2011
Il Congresso fu poco concludente dal lato scientifico, come del resto tutti congressi, ma vice versa e stata una buona ocasione per conoscere individui di tutto il mondo e sovratutto far conoscere a noi il carattere di questi americani che in genere sono animosi, lavoratori instancabili, adrimentosi ma in certe cose sono teribilmente bambini, mi si passi la parola e sovratutto ingenui.
The congress was inconclusive on the scientific side, like all congresses, but on the other hand, it was a great opportunity to for us to get to know the personality of these americans, who in general, are so spirited, who work tirelessly, and who are bold, but in certain things are still terribly childish [mi si passi la parola], if you ask me?, but overall are naive.
The congress was inconclusive on the scientific side, like all congresses, but on the other hand, it was a great opportunity to for us to get to know the personality of these americans, who in general, are so spirited, who work tirelessly, and who are bold, but in certain things are still terribly childish [mi si passi la parola], if you ask me?, but overall are naive.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
September 6, 2011
Del resto qui ogni occasione e buona per tener discorsi e di ogni buon americano si potrebbe dire come di quel tale che una volta sola tralascie di fare un discorso e cio fu in occasione dei propri funerali. Parlano un po di tutto e in generale molto facetamente facendo dei calembours terribili, tali da far abbassare la temperatura di diversi gradi.
Every occasion is good for a speech, and you might say that every american who can talk gave a speech and the only time one didn’t was at his own funeral (??). They talk about a little bit of everything and in general they make wickedly bad puns like “lower the temperature by a couple degrees.”
Every occasion is good for a speech, and you might say that every american who can talk gave a speech and the only time one didn’t was at his own funeral (??). They talk about a little bit of everything and in general they make wickedly bad puns like “lower the temperature by a couple degrees.”
Thursday, September 1, 2011
September 1, 2011
I liked that in this letter, I realized that Camillo was writing at about the same time of the year I'm translating.
Chicago August 26, 1893
Carissimo Carlo,
Ti scrivo dal quartier generale dell’Associazione degli ingegneri americani di cui usufruisco l’ottima carta, e non so se questa lettera sara possibile perche mentre scrivo sto ascoltando o meglio udendo molte conversazioni, il che non e certo la cosa piu atta a far partorira una bella lettera. Il Congresso finito ieri, ma i divertimenti relativi sono coninuati quest’oggi. Congresso, ma anche perche sono l’opposto di assoluti.
I’m writing to you from the general headquarters of the Association of American Engineers [which benefits the best paper?], and I’m not sure if this letter will be possible because while I write I’m listening to or actually hearing lots of conversations, and I’m not sure it’s the most likely circumstance for writing a nice letter. The congress finished yesterday, but the entertainment related to the conference continues today.
September 1, 2011
Divertimenti a cui ho affibbiato il nome di relativi non solo perche si relatano al sullodato Congresso, ma anche perche sono l’opposto di assoluti. Per esempio uno dei clous e stato un banchetto a 10 dollari offerto l’altra sera ai delegati esteri. Il pranzo valeva pochino ma in compenso si saranno tenuti venti o trenta brindisi, tra cui uno enormemente applaudito di Ferraris.
I’m dubbing it entertainment, not just because it’s related to the Congress, but also because its the absolute opposite. For example on of the [clous] was a banquet the other night that was offered at ten dollars a person for foreign delegates. The meal was worthless, but to compensate there were twenty or thirty toasts, in which there was enormous applause for Ferraris.
Chicago August 26, 1893
Carissimo Carlo,
Ti scrivo dal quartier generale dell’Associazione degli ingegneri americani di cui usufruisco l’ottima carta, e non so se questa lettera sara possibile perche mentre scrivo sto ascoltando o meglio udendo molte conversazioni, il che non e certo la cosa piu atta a far partorira una bella lettera. Il Congresso finito ieri, ma i divertimenti relativi sono coninuati quest’oggi. Congresso, ma anche perche sono l’opposto di assoluti.
I’m writing to you from the general headquarters of the Association of American Engineers [which benefits the best paper?], and I’m not sure if this letter will be possible because while I write I’m listening to or actually hearing lots of conversations, and I’m not sure it’s the most likely circumstance for writing a nice letter. The congress finished yesterday, but the entertainment related to the conference continues today.
September 1, 2011
Divertimenti a cui ho affibbiato il nome di relativi non solo perche si relatano al sullodato Congresso, ma anche perche sono l’opposto di assoluti. Per esempio uno dei clous e stato un banchetto a 10 dollari offerto l’altra sera ai delegati esteri. Il pranzo valeva pochino ma in compenso si saranno tenuti venti o trenta brindisi, tra cui uno enormemente applaudito di Ferraris.
I’m dubbing it entertainment, not just because it’s related to the Congress, but also because its the absolute opposite. For example on of the [clous] was a banquet the other night that was offered at ten dollars a person for foreign delegates. The meal was worthless, but to compensate there were twenty or thirty toasts, in which there was enormous applause for Ferraris.
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