I liked that in this letter, I realized that Camillo was writing at about the same time of the year I'm translating.
Chicago August 26, 1893
Carissimo Carlo,
Ti scrivo dal quartier generale dell’Associazione degli ingegneri americani di cui usufruisco l’ottima carta, e non so se questa lettera sara possibile perche mentre scrivo sto ascoltando o meglio udendo molte conversazioni, il che non e certo la cosa piu atta a far partorira una bella lettera. Il Congresso finito ieri, ma i divertimenti relativi sono coninuati quest’oggi. Congresso, ma anche perche sono l’opposto di assoluti.
I’m writing to you from the general headquarters of the Association of American Engineers [which benefits the best paper?], and I’m not sure if this letter will be possible because while I write I’m listening to or actually hearing lots of conversations, and I’m not sure it’s the most likely circumstance for writing a nice letter. The congress finished yesterday, but the entertainment related to the conference continues today.
September 1, 2011
Divertimenti a cui ho affibbiato il nome di relativi non solo perche si relatano al sullodato Congresso, ma anche perche sono l’opposto di assoluti. Per esempio uno dei clous e stato un banchetto a 10 dollari offerto l’altra sera ai delegati esteri. Il pranzo valeva pochino ma in compenso si saranno tenuti venti o trenta brindisi, tra cui uno enormemente applaudito di Ferraris.
I’m dubbing it entertainment, not just because it’s related to the Congress, but also because its the absolute opposite. For example on of the [clous] was a banquet the other night that was offered at ten dollars a person for foreign delegates. The meal was worthless, but to compensate there were twenty or thirty toasts, in which there was enormous applause for Ferraris.
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