Ti ho spedito dei piccoli album di fotografie. Ho un altro grande album per te con vedute di Chicago e dell’Esposizione (queste prese dal vero), ma non te l’ho spedito per paura di sciuparlo.
Ed ora ti prego di qualche commissione per capo d’anno.
Le solite mance ad Epif. Tommasin Secondina Margharita Mini e la guardia campestre di Palazzo. Manda un giorno o ‘altro Tommasin alla vigna e fagli portar giu i numeri arretrati della “Critica Sociale”, mettili in ordine e guarda che nel primo semestre deve mancare un numero in cui vi e parte di uno studio sull’emigrazione italiana in America.
I sent you a few albums of photographs. I have another big album for you with views of Chicago and the Exposition (these ones taken for real), but I didn’t send them for fear of damaging them.
And now I ask you for some fund for the New Year.
The usual tips to Tommasin Secondina Margaret Mini (?) and the warden of the Castle. One of these days send Tommasin to the vineyards and have him pull up the old issues of “Social Criticism”, put them in order and see that in the first half there must be missing and issue which is a study of Italian immigration in America.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
January 23, 2013
Ho ricevuto la tua lettera da Modena e ieri un cartoncino da Carlo. Ricevo pure con una certa regolarita il “corriere”. Se vuoi vedere la fotografia della mia bicicletta (safety bicycle o semplicemente bicycle in inglese) puoi guardare nel numero 48 (25 nov) dell “Illustrazione popolare” in cui da la fotografia di quella di Masetti. la mia e identica.
Avevo dato commissione di biglietti da visita a Carlo, sperando di riceverli in tempo per poterli spedire ai conoscenti per capo d’anno, ma non mi sono ancora arrivati perche Carlo perdette probabilmente qualche giorno ad ordinarli ed a spedirli e cosi malgrado i miei calcoli preventivi ho paura che non potro metter in atto il mio divisamento.
I received your letter from Modena and a postcard from Carlo yesterday. I also get the “corriere” with a certain regularity. If you want to see a photograph o
f my bicycle (safety bicycle or just bicycle in English) you can look at the number 48 issue (November 25) of “Illustrazione popolare” in which there is a photograph of the one by Masetti. Mine is identical.
I gave the fee for the tickets from the visit to Carlo, I hope you receive it in time to send them to our connections by New Years, but they may not have arrived yet because Carlo probably lost a few days sorting them out and sending them, and so despite my initial calculations I’m afraid I won’t be able to put my [divisamento?] in place
Avevo dato commissione di biglietti da visita a Carlo, sperando di riceverli in tempo per poterli spedire ai conoscenti per capo d’anno, ma non mi sono ancora arrivati perche Carlo perdette probabilmente qualche giorno ad ordinarli ed a spedirli e cosi malgrado i miei calcoli preventivi ho paura che non potro metter in atto il mio divisamento.
I received your letter from Modena and a postcard from Carlo yesterday. I also get the “corriere” with a certain regularity. If you want to see a photograph o
f my bicycle (safety bicycle or just bicycle in English) you can look at the number 48 issue (November 25) of “Illustrazione popolare” in which there is a photograph of the one by Masetti. Mine is identical.
I gave the fee for the tickets from the visit to Carlo, I hope you receive it in time to send them to our connections by New Years, but they may not have arrived yet because Carlo probably lost a few days sorting them out and sending them, and so despite my initial calculations I’m afraid I won’t be able to put my [divisamento?] in place
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
January 22, 2013
A proposito di questi ultimi, il professore di elettricita dell’universita mi ha promesso che, se impiantero una fabbrica di tal genere, mi dara parte delle commissioni che ora danno a case di Francia e Germania. Se la promessa fosse mantenuta, sarebbe piuttosto bene perche l’universita manda per tali oggetti in Europa piu di cinque mila dollari ogni anno. Ma a questo e meglio non pensare per ora.
About the latter, the University’s electricity professor promised me that if I establish this kind of a factory I will be given part of the commissions that are now given to France and Germany. If the promise was kept, it would be pretty good because the university sends more than $5,000 a year for these objects. But this is better not to think about now.
About the latter, the University’s electricity professor promised me that if I establish this kind of a factory I will be given part of the commissions that are now given to France and Germany. If the promise was kept, it would be pretty good because the university sends more than $5,000 a year for these objects. But this is better not to think about now.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
January 16, 2012
Palo Alto, 17 dicembre 1893
Carissima mamma,
Quando questa lettera giungera ad Ivrea l’anno sara gia cominciato, ma giungeranno ancora a tempo gli auguri che ti faccio per il medesimo. Questo e il secondo ed ultimo anno se non capita qualche accidente, me ne saro tranquillamente ad Ivrea lavorando attorno ai miei strumenti di precisione.
Dear Mamma,
When this letter arrives in Ivrea the year will have already begun, but still arrive in time for the good wishes I offer to you during the same. This was the second and last year, and as long as no accident happens, I’ll be in Ivrea working quietly surrounded by my precision instruments.
Carissima mamma,
Quando questa lettera giungera ad Ivrea l’anno sara gia cominciato, ma giungeranno ancora a tempo gli auguri che ti faccio per il medesimo. Questo e il secondo ed ultimo anno se non capita qualche accidente, me ne saro tranquillamente ad Ivrea lavorando attorno ai miei strumenti di precisione.
Dear Mamma,
When this letter arrives in Ivrea the year will have already begun, but still arrive in time for the good wishes I offer to you during the same. This was the second and last year, and as long as no accident happens, I’ll be in Ivrea working quietly surrounded by my precision instruments.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
January 16, 2013
Dimmi che cosa stai facendo di belle e se hai probabilita di divenire presto il successore effetivo di De Beuder. Pero ricordati di quello che capitato a Ferraris che dovette pagare L 13,000 per aver percepito doppio stipendio per qualche anno. E vero che la vergogna di cio risale a che lo fece pagare, ma il danno lo ebbe lui. Ho scritto un articolo sopra il football in America e probabilmente lo spediro alla “Nuova Rassegna”. Se vedi Dino domandagli se ha ricevuto una mia lettere e se e morto o vivo.
Addio, tanti baci da
Tell me what good things you’re up to and if you have a chance of becoming the next effective successor to De Beuder. But remember what happened to Ferraris when he had to pay L13,000 for having received double salary for a couple of years. It’s true that the shame of it wasn’t what they made him pay but the damage it did to him. I wrote an article about soccer (?) in America and I’ll probably send it to the “New Review” . If you see Dino ask if he’s received one of my letters and if he’s dead or alive.
Goodbye, many kisses from
Addio, tanti baci da
Tell me what good things you’re up to and if you have a chance of becoming the next effective successor to De Beuder. But remember what happened to Ferraris when he had to pay L13,000 for having received double salary for a couple of years. It’s true that the shame of it wasn’t what they made him pay but the damage it did to him. I wrote an article about soccer (?) in America and I’ll probably send it to the “New Review” . If you see Dino ask if he’s received one of my letters and if he’s dead or alive.
Goodbye, many kisses from
Monday, January 14, 2013
Janurary 14, 2013
dicembre 13, Palo Alto
Carissimo Carlo,
Incomincio col ringraziarti per spedizione quotidiana donchisciottesca. Non so ancora chi sara il felice successore di Giolitti. Che capitombolo per le vostre sacre instituzioni! A proposito, credo che questa primavera avremo una guerra e dopo, spero, una rivoluzione. Forse questa considerazione mi fara affrettare il viaggio del ritorno. Dimmi quali sono le tue vedute in proposito.
December 13, Palo Alto
Dearest Carlo,
I’ll start by thanking you for shipping over your daily quixotic update. I don’t know yet who is the happy successor to Giolitti. What befalls your sacred institutions! On that, I think we will have a war this spring, and afterwards, a revolution, I hope. This consideration may speed up my return trip. Tell me your views on this.
Carissimo Carlo,
Incomincio col ringraziarti per spedizione quotidiana donchisciottesca. Non so ancora chi sara il felice successore di Giolitti. Che capitombolo per le vostre sacre instituzioni! A proposito, credo che questa primavera avremo una guerra e dopo, spero, una rivoluzione. Forse questa considerazione mi fara affrettare il viaggio del ritorno. Dimmi quali sono le tue vedute in proposito.
December 13, Palo Alto
Dearest Carlo,
I’ll start by thanking you for shipping over your daily quixotic update. I don’t know yet who is the happy successor to Giolitti. What befalls your sacred institutions! On that, I think we will have a war this spring, and afterwards, a revolution, I hope. This consideration may speed up my return trip. Tell me your views on this.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
January 10, 2013
Maria mi scrive che ha incominciato a disegnare la figura. Credo che sarebbe meglio che le prendessi un buon maestro, perche temo che quelle maestrucole della scuola non faccian altro che farle perdere quella disposizione che essa ha naturalmente. Se ne trovan molti di pittori giovani che potrebbero dare delle buone lezioni per poco.
Di’ a mamma che spedisco ai bambini 6 volumi di storia naturale del Figuier mi raccomando che i bimbi non li sciupino. Vi son delle storie sulle cacce alle belve e sui costumi degli animali che possono interessare Umberto e Maria e fra qualche anno ache Sergio.
Ora ti lascio perche voglio scrivere qualcosa a Carlo.
Baci a mamma ed ai bimbi.
Un abbraccio da
Maria writes to me that she has started to draw the figure. I think it would be better to get her a good teacher, because I’m afraid that “maestrucole” (horrific teacher) won’t do anything more than make her lose that ability that has come naturally. There are lots of young artists that could give her good lessons inexpensively.
Tell mamma that I am sending six volumes of natural history by Figuier to the children and I request that they do not spoil it. There are stories about hunts for wild animals and costumes of animals that could interest Umberto and Maria, and in a couple of years Sergio too.
I’ll leave you know because I want to write somthing to Carlo.
Kisses to mamma and the children.
An embrace from
Di’ a mamma che spedisco ai bambini 6 volumi di storia naturale del Figuier mi raccomando che i bimbi non li sciupino. Vi son delle storie sulle cacce alle belve e sui costumi degli animali che possono interessare Umberto e Maria e fra qualche anno ache Sergio.
Ora ti lascio perche voglio scrivere qualcosa a Carlo.
Baci a mamma ed ai bimbi.
Un abbraccio da
Maria writes to me that she has started to draw the figure. I think it would be better to get her a good teacher, because I’m afraid that “maestrucole” (horrific teacher) won’t do anything more than make her lose that ability that has come naturally. There are lots of young artists that could give her good lessons inexpensively.
Tell mamma that I am sending six volumes of natural history by Figuier to the children and I request that they do not spoil it. There are stories about hunts for wild animals and costumes of animals that could interest Umberto and Maria, and in a couple of years Sergio too.
I’ll leave you know because I want to write somthing to Carlo.
Kisses to mamma and the children.
An embrace from
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
January 9, 2013
Welcome to any new readers! Thanks for visiting! Until recently I think we've mostly been family here, but the traffic is trending up. If you're new to the blog, I'd love to hear from you about your interest in the history of Olivetti. Hope you're having a great January so far!
13 dicembre 1893
Palo Alto
Carissima Emma,
Ricevuta tua lettera, lettera bimbi, giornali etc. etc. Grazie di tutto. Ti ho spedito un album con delle belle vedute di Chicago. Quelle delle citta sono prese dal vero; non cosi quelle dell’Esposizione che son state prese da un brutto progetto che e stato poi molto abbellito. Siccome possiedo delle fotografie dal vero dell’ Esposizione te le faro vedere quanto verro in Italia. Ho spedito a mamma delle altre fotografie tra cui in piccolo album con delle vedute dell’Universita Stanford.
Sono contento che la casa ti ricominci a piacere e che tutto vada bene. I qui continuo a trovarmi piuttosto bene, ma quando la stagione invernale se ne sara ita riprendero probabilmente il mio viaggio di ritorno, e cio per molte ragioni.
Non posso dirti nulla di nuovo perche avendo avuto da finire alcuni disegni no ho avuto tempo di fare altro.
Dearest Emma,
I received your letter, the letter from the kids, newspapers, etc. Thank you for all of it. I sent you an album with beautiful views of Chicago. The ones I sent are of real life, they are not officially from the Exposition, as those were taken as part of a terrible project and then embellished. However, I have real photographs from the Exposition and I’ll show them to you when I’m back in Italy. I sent Mamma a few other photographs in a small album with views from Stanford University.
I’m glad that life at the house is starting to be pleasant again and that everything is going well. I continue to find myself more or less well here, but when the winter season takes up, it will probably mean my return trip, for lots many reasons.
I can’t write you anything new, because of having had a few designs to finish I don’t have time for anything else.
13 dicembre 1893
Palo Alto
Carissima Emma,
Ricevuta tua lettera, lettera bimbi, giornali etc. etc. Grazie di tutto. Ti ho spedito un album con delle belle vedute di Chicago. Quelle delle citta sono prese dal vero; non cosi quelle dell’Esposizione che son state prese da un brutto progetto che e stato poi molto abbellito. Siccome possiedo delle fotografie dal vero dell’ Esposizione te le faro vedere quanto verro in Italia. Ho spedito a mamma delle altre fotografie tra cui in piccolo album con delle vedute dell’Universita Stanford.
Sono contento che la casa ti ricominci a piacere e che tutto vada bene. I qui continuo a trovarmi piuttosto bene, ma quando la stagione invernale se ne sara ita riprendero probabilmente il mio viaggio di ritorno, e cio per molte ragioni.
Non posso dirti nulla di nuovo perche avendo avuto da finire alcuni disegni no ho avuto tempo di fare altro.
Dearest Emma,
I received your letter, the letter from the kids, newspapers, etc. Thank you for all of it. I sent you an album with beautiful views of Chicago. The ones I sent are of real life, they are not officially from the Exposition, as those were taken as part of a terrible project and then embellished. However, I have real photographs from the Exposition and I’ll show them to you when I’m back in Italy. I sent Mamma a few other photographs in a small album with views from Stanford University.
I’m glad that life at the house is starting to be pleasant again and that everything is going well. I continue to find myself more or less well here, but when the winter season takes up, it will probably mean my return trip, for lots many reasons.
I can’t write you anything new, because of having had a few designs to finish I don’t have time for anything else.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
January 8, 2013
Ho scritto lettere anche agli amici di Ivrea cioe a Piero ed a Pugliese. Sono certo d’aver fatto un gran piacere a quest’ultimo che quando ero a Londra mi scriveva con una diligenza encomiabile ma non imitabile. Ho scritto Cassinis per una parziale rinnovazione della lettera di credito che scade il 1 gennaio.
La temperatura que e sempre mitissima (15 o 20 gradi sopra zero) e non adopero mai il soprabito ecceto quando vado a San Francisco ove si hanno salti di temperatura molto bruschi. Saluti a tutti a Modena. Baci da
I also wrote letters to friends from Ivrea, like Piero and Pugliese. I made sure to give a big thank you to the latter who, when I was in London wrote me with a kind of dilligence that was commendable but not imitable. I wrote the Cassinis for a partial renewal of the letter of credit that expires on January 1.
The temperature here is always nice (15 or 20 degrees above zero--59-68 Farenheit) and I never wear my coat, except when I go to San Francisco where they have abrupt changes in temperature. Greetings to everyone in Modena. Kisses from
La temperatura que e sempre mitissima (15 o 20 gradi sopra zero) e non adopero mai il soprabito ecceto quando vado a San Francisco ove si hanno salti di temperatura molto bruschi. Saluti a tutti a Modena. Baci da
I also wrote letters to friends from Ivrea, like Piero and Pugliese. I made sure to give a big thank you to the latter who, when I was in London wrote me with a kind of dilligence that was commendable but not imitable. I wrote the Cassinis for a partial renewal of the letter of credit that expires on January 1.
The temperature here is always nice (15 or 20 degrees above zero--59-68 Farenheit) and I never wear my coat, except when I go to San Francisco where they have abrupt changes in temperature. Greetings to everyone in Modena. Kisses from
Monday, January 7, 2013
January 7, 2013
January 7, 2013
Lettere Americane 27 novembre, 1893
Carissima mamma,
Ti scrivo due righe solo perche aspetto oggi o domani una tua lettera indirizzata a Palo Alto, ma quest’oggi e lunedi e probabilmente questa cartolina potra imbarcarsi sabato venturo a New York. Per la stessa ragione voi fareste bene a scrivermi di giovedi.
Ho visto con indicibile piacere che il ministero Giolitti e caduto e Chauvet e stato arrestato. Per quanto cattivo sara il futuro ministero (e col vostro regime non ne potete certo avere dei buoni) il futuro non potra certo esser peggio di quello passato.
Ho ricevuto molti giornali da Carlo ma da parte tua nessuno eccetto che i fogli eporediesi. Io continuo a passarmela bene. Sto disegnando una macchina per l’officina universitaria, soltanto che verra a costare un’enormita (piu di due mila dollari) e non so se vi saranno fondi per costruirla quest’anno.
Dearest mamma,
I’m only writing you two lines because I’m waiting for a letter addressed to Palo Alto which should arrive today or tomorrow, but today is Monday and this card will probably make it to New York by next Saturday. For the same reason, you would do well to write me by Thursday.
I saw with unspeakable pleasure that Minister Giolitti has fallen and that Chauvet was arrested. However bad the future minister might be (with your regime nothing is certain to be good), the future certainly can’t be worst than this one past.
I’ve received lots of newspapers from Carlo, but all I’ve received from you are a few Ivrea pages. I continue to do well. I’m designing a “machine” (bike, I think) for the office of the university, only it will cost an enormity (more than two thousand dollars) and I don’t know if there will be funds to build it this year.
Lettere Americane 27 novembre, 1893
Carissima mamma,
Ti scrivo due righe solo perche aspetto oggi o domani una tua lettera indirizzata a Palo Alto, ma quest’oggi e lunedi e probabilmente questa cartolina potra imbarcarsi sabato venturo a New York. Per la stessa ragione voi fareste bene a scrivermi di giovedi.
Ho visto con indicibile piacere che il ministero Giolitti e caduto e Chauvet e stato arrestato. Per quanto cattivo sara il futuro ministero (e col vostro regime non ne potete certo avere dei buoni) il futuro non potra certo esser peggio di quello passato.
Ho ricevuto molti giornali da Carlo ma da parte tua nessuno eccetto che i fogli eporediesi. Io continuo a passarmela bene. Sto disegnando una macchina per l’officina universitaria, soltanto che verra a costare un’enormita (piu di due mila dollari) e non so se vi saranno fondi per costruirla quest’anno.
Dearest mamma,
I’m only writing you two lines because I’m waiting for a letter addressed to Palo Alto which should arrive today or tomorrow, but today is Monday and this card will probably make it to New York by next Saturday. For the same reason, you would do well to write me by Thursday.
I saw with unspeakable pleasure that Minister Giolitti has fallen and that Chauvet was arrested. However bad the future minister might be (with your regime nothing is certain to be good), the future certainly can’t be worst than this one past.
I’ve received lots of newspapers from Carlo, but all I’ve received from you are a few Ivrea pages. I continue to do well. I’m designing a “machine” (bike, I think) for the office of the university, only it will cost an enormity (more than two thousand dollars) and I don’t know if there will be funds to build it this year.
Friday, January 4, 2013
January 4, 2012
January 4, 2013
Per esempio se durante la scuola ti si interroga, naturalmente rispondi, ma se il professore interroga un altro non far vedere con gesti o con altro che tu sai quella che non suggerire al compagno interrogato in modo che il professore s’accorga che tu hai suggerito. In genere non rispondere se non interrogato particolarmente. In tal maniera se, come spero, sarai uno dei piu bravi, acquisterai un a certa fama di moestia che non si pou mai abbastanza apprezzare. Altre cose avrei a dirti, ma queste mi riserbo di dirtele fra qualche mese quando sarai un po’ piu grandicello.
Ho sempre ringraziarti per la tua bella lettera indirizzata a Quebec e che mi fu respinta a San Francisco. Vedo che mi manca la carta epercio finisco, dopo averti incaricato di baciare mamma papa Marai e Sergio. Tanti baci da tuo
zio Camillo
For example, during school, if you are called on, naturally respond, but if the professor calls on someone else don’t show with gestures or otherwise to make the professor notice that you know something your companion hasn’t suggested. In general, don’t answer if you haven’t been specifically called on. In this manner, I hope, you should be one of the best students and you should acquire a certain fame for modesty that one can never appreciate enough.
I have other things I’d like to tell you, but I’ll reserve the opportunity to tell them to you in a few months when you’re a little more of a big boy.
I thank you again and again for your beautiful letter that you addressed to Quebec and that was redirected to San Francisco. I see that I’ve come to the end of the paper and will finish up after charge you with the duty of giving kisses to mamma, papa, Maria e Sergio. Many kisses from your
Uncle Camillo
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
January 2, 2013
In genere nelle scuole vi e sempre qualcuno che a torto o a ragione che non e benvisto dai compagni e delle volte e da questi messo in canzonatura o in ridicolo. Mi raccomando di non unirti mai in cio agli altri, perche non vi e peggior vigliaccheria di quella di esser in dieci o venti ne dileggiare uno solo, anche se questo possa esser per qualche ragione, ridicolo. Congli assistenti e coi professori devi esser naturalmente rispettoso, ma non dimenticare i doveri che hai verso i compagni ed un’po di quella dignita che devi avere verso te stesso per acquistare la simpatia di qualche professore.
In school, there’s always someone who is failing or succeeding who isn’t well understood by his contemporaries or by his times, and because of this is either canonized or ridiculed. My recommendation is that you don’t take part in this with others, because there is no worse cowardice than to be ten or twenty mocking only one, even if that one might be for some reason ridiculous. With your assistants and professors naturally you should be respectful, but don’t forget your duties to your friends and a little bit of dignity you need to have with yourself to win the sympathies from a few professors.
In school, there’s always someone who is failing or succeeding who isn’t well understood by his contemporaries or by his times, and because of this is either canonized or ridiculed. My recommendation is that you don’t take part in this with others, because there is no worse cowardice than to be ten or twenty mocking only one, even if that one might be for some reason ridiculous. With your assistants and professors naturally you should be respectful, but don’t forget your duties to your friends and a little bit of dignity you need to have with yourself to win the sympathies from a few professors.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
January 1, 2013
Ti devo finalmente parlare del modo di trattare coi compagni e coi professori. Anzitutto e necessario farsi voler bene dai compagni. Per cio tu devi trattar tutti bene, ma non lasciarti imporre da nessuno e specialmente dai piu prepotenti. Non fare mai la spia anche se richiesto di qualche superiore. Non cercare la compagnia di quelli che ti sono ti sono antipatici, ma viceversa trattali bene perche molte volte e facile sbagliarsi nelle proprie antipatie e simpatie.
Finally, I need to talk with you about how to deal with your friends and professors. Above all its necessary to love your friends. You must treat all well, but don’t let anyone, especially arrogant people impose upon you. Never spy on anyone, even if requested by a superior. Don’t seek the company of people you don’t like, but vice versa treat them well because many times it’s easy to mistake what other people’s likes and dislikes are.
Finally, I need to talk with you about how to deal with your friends and professors. Above all its necessary to love your friends. You must treat all well, but don’t let anyone, especially arrogant people impose upon you. Never spy on anyone, even if requested by a superior. Don’t seek the company of people you don’t like, but vice versa treat them well because many times it’s easy to mistake what other people’s likes and dislikes are.
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