Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27, 2013

Well folks, every time I feel like I have just about had it with this project, that I am on a very slow path that is leading exactly nowhere, Camillo gives me one of these to keep me going.  As if he is speaking to me directly, sometimes, in whispered notes across time....Thanks to him for going for it to "faccio una bestialita" whatever that means.  I can only imagine what this colorful italian-ism means, and invite better italian speakers send their favorite translation of this phrase.

Se la rendita non avra allora un crollo maggiore dell’attuale, intendo vendre tutta la mia e intendo impiegarla nella fabbrica che sto progettando fin d’ora.  So che tutti indistinamente diconon che faccio un bestialita e forse sara vero, ma io non sono di questo parere.

If the annuity hasn’t lost much of its actual value, I intend to sell my whole portion and to use that for the factory that I am planning as of now.  I know that absolutely everyone says that I’m going to “faccio una bestialita” and maybe they’re right, but I am not of this opinion.

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