Il policeman, che probabilmente secondo il solito era briaco, le addito una strada e quest’anima (che non avev ancora imparato he per non perdersi bisogna consultare una mappa e non domandare informazioni ai policemen) si avvio per la medesima.
The policeman, who because he was alone was probably drunk, recommended a street and this soul (who hadn’t yet learned that if you don’t want to get lost you consult the map, you don’t ask the policeman for directions) started down the same.
Dopo una lunga caminata quest’anima si arriva in una gran citta con grandi edifizi, strade larghe e mal selciate, un cielo piuttosto caliginoso e tante altre cose che non piacequero molto al nostro buon uomo, il quale si era fatta un’idea molto diversa riguardo al Paradiso.
After a long walk, this poor soul arrives in a big city, with big buildings, wide streets and poor roads, a more or less hazy sky and a bunch of other things that didn’t appeal much to our good man, and made quite a different impression of Heaven.
Arrivato al canto d’una strada trova un’anima d’un amico morto poco dianzi e dopo complimenti d’uso gli dice: Mio caro, m’avevan detto che il Paradis era tanto bello e chi ci stava tanto bene, ma ora che ci sono giunto mi trovo proprio deluso, mi pare che questo Paradiso non sia molto piu bello e comfortable di Chicago. Caro mio, respose l’altro, ti sei sbagliato di strada, questo paese dove tu sei arrivato e che tu trovi tanto simile a chicago non e il Paradiso, e l’Inferno.
Just at that minute, he runs into a friend who had just died at that very minute, and after greeting him, he says: My friend, they told me that Heaven was beautiful and that everyone there was happy, but now that I’ve arrived I’m disappointed, it seems to me that Heaven isn’t much more beautiful or comfortable than Chicago. Dear friend, says the other guy, you took the wrong road, this place you’ve come to, the one you find so similar to Chicago, isn’t Heaven, it’s Hell.
Il policeman, che probabilmente secondo il solito era briaco, le addito una strada e quest’anima (che non avev ancora imparato he per non perdersi bisogna consultare una mappa e non domandare informazioni ai policemen) si avvio per la medesima.
The policeman, who because he was alone was probably drunk, recommended a street and this soul (who hadn’t yet learned that if you don’t want to get lost you consult the map, you don’t ask the policeman for directions) started down the same.
Dopo una lunga caminata quest’anima si arriva in una gran citta con grandi edifizi, strade larghe e mal selciate, un cielo piuttosto caliginoso e tante altre cose che non piacequero molto al nostro buon uomo, il quale si era fatta un’idea molto diversa riguardo al Paradiso.
After a long walk, this poor soul arrives in a big city, with big buildings, wide streets and poor roads, a more or less hazy sky and a bunch of other things that didn’t appeal much to our good man, and made quite a different impression of Heaven.
Arrivato al canto d’una strada trova un’anima d’un amico morto poco dianzi e dopo complimenti d’uso gli dice: Mio caro, m’avevan detto che il Paradis era tanto bello e chi ci stava tanto bene, ma ora che ci sono giunto mi trovo proprio deluso, mi pare che questo Paradiso non sia molto piu bello e comfortable di Chicago. Caro mio, respose l’altro, ti sei sbagliato di strada, questo paese dove tu sei arrivato e che tu trovi tanto simile a chicago non e il Paradiso, e l’Inferno.
Just at that minute, he runs into a friend who had just died at that very minute, and after greeting him, he says: My friend, they told me that Heaven was beautiful and that everyone there was happy, but now that I’ve arrived I’m disappointed, it seems to me that Heaven isn’t much more beautiful or comfortable than Chicago. Dear friend, says the other guy, you took the wrong road, this place you’ve come to, the one you find so similar to Chicago, isn’t Heaven, it’s Hell.