Gli abitanti in genere sono americanamente gentili, cioe di quell a gentilezza cordiale, ma molto da villan piu o meno rifatto. Hanno poi un’imperturbabilita ammirevole. Pochi giorni or sono un treno fu assalutato e derubato nelle vicinanze della citta da una banda di ladri che rubaran quanto poterono. Ieri e ieri l’altro si ebbero scontri ferroviari con morti e feriti. Da noi se ne parlerebbe per un mese con ricriminazioni sui giornali, dimostrazioni etc. Invece qui nessuno se ne da per inteso.
The people, in general, are American cordial, that is the kind of cordiality that is more or less imitated by the villan. The end up having an admirable imperturbability. A few days a go a train was robbed and was greeted in the vicinity of the city by a gang of thieives who steal when they can. Yesterday and the day before yesterday there were clashes with rail deaths and injuries. For us, we would talk about it for a month with recriminations in newspapers, demonstrations, etc. But here nobody pays heed.
The people, in general, are American cordial, that is the kind of cordiality that is more or less imitated by the villan. The end up having an admirable imperturbability. A few days a go a train was robbed and was greeted in the vicinity of the city by a gang of thieives who steal when they can. Yesterday and the day before yesterday there were clashes with rail deaths and injuries. For us, we would talk about it for a month with recriminations in newspapers, demonstrations, etc. But here nobody pays heed.
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