Se gli incendi comeche disastrosi non brucian tutta una citta (come del resto e capitato a Chicago stessa nel ‘71 quando un incendio distrusse 17.500 edifici) si deve, io credo alla perfetta oranizzaaione servizio dei pompieri. Le stazioni dei pompieri sono enormemente numerosi e situate in tutti i punti della citta. In ogni stazione vi e una grande pompa a vapore (alle volte due) con caldaia spempre a pressione, un carro portante una scala, un carro per i tubi e gli accessori del pompe. Due cavalli per ogni veicolo sono chiusi in appositi boxes vicino ai veicoli a cui sono adibiti e non sono ordinariamente bardati. Numersoissimi avvisatori d’incendio sono sparsi in ogni punto della citta e cosi pure numerosissime sono le bocche da fuoco.
If the fires, however disastrous, don’t burn down the whole city (as, indeed, happened in Chicago in ‘71 when a fire destroyed 17,500 buildings) its because, you have, I think the perfect fireman’s organization. The fire stations are huge and numerous, and located throughout the city at every point. In each station there is a big steam pump (sometimes two) with a boiler that’s always at pressure, a wagon that carries a ladder, a wagon for the hoses and the pump accessories. Two horses for each vehicle are kept in special “boxes” near vehicles and are not harnessed in the ordinary way. Numerous fire alarms are scattered all over the city and there are just as many fires.
If the fires, however disastrous, don’t burn down the whole city (as, indeed, happened in Chicago in ‘71 when a fire destroyed 17,500 buildings) its because, you have, I think the perfect fireman’s organization. The fire stations are huge and numerous, and located throughout the city at every point. In each station there is a big steam pump (sometimes two) with a boiler that’s always at pressure, a wagon that carries a ladder, a wagon for the hoses and the pump accessories. Two horses for each vehicle are kept in special “boxes” near vehicles and are not harnessed in the ordinary way. Numerous fire alarms are scattered all over the city and there are just as many fires.
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