Pero lo Yellowstone Park e una delle meraviglie dell’America e siccome non e molto grande ed e fornito di buoni hotels decisi di farlo a piedi. E lo Yellowstone Park una regione in gran parte nello stato di Wyoming, situata a considerevole altezze sul livello del mare. La la natura pare abbia voluto concentrare una copia enorme di bellezze e di fenomeni naturali, perche cola trvansi valli e monti e cascate di fiumi e geyser (vulcani d’aqua bollente) e sorgenti minerali e depositie calcarei e foreste pietrificate, un insieme insomma di circostanze che rendon il luogo dei piu interessanti. Il Governo poi degli Stati Uniti ha decretato che questo territorio e proprieta della nazione e nessuno vi puo fabbricare case ne abbattere alberi ne scavare monti ne cacciare animali, cosicche esso rappresenta anche cio che era l’America allo stato naturale.
However, Yellowstone Park is one of the wonders of America and since it’s not very big or euquipped with good hotels, I decided to go by foot. And Yellowstone Park is a region mostly in the state of Wyoming, located at considerable altitude. There the nature seems to have wanted to concentrate on making an enormous copy (collection) of natural beauties and phenomena, because there you’ll find valleys and mountains, and waterfalls, and geysers, mineral deposits, limestone deposits and petrified forests, a set of circumstances in short, that have created one of the most interesting places. The US Government has declared that this territory is property of the nation and no one may build houses, hotels, nor excavate mountains or hunt animals so this also represents America in its natural state.
However, Yellowstone Park is one of the wonders of America and since it’s not very big or euquipped with good hotels, I decided to go by foot. And Yellowstone Park is a region mostly in the state of Wyoming, located at considerable altitude. There the nature seems to have wanted to concentrate on making an enormous copy (collection) of natural beauties and phenomena, because there you’ll find valleys and mountains, and waterfalls, and geysers, mineral deposits, limestone deposits and petrified forests, a set of circumstances in short, that have created one of the most interesting places. The US Government has declared that this territory is property of the nation and no one may build houses, hotels, nor excavate mountains or hunt animals so this also represents America in its natural state.
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