La visitai alcuni geyser, alcune bellissime incrostazioni calcaree depositate dalle acque bollenti e alla sera me ne andai a letto deciso a partire il giorno dopo alle 6 per la mia seconda tappa. Ma forse la stagione era un po’ troppo avanzata e quando me siegliai un palmo di neve era caduta sul suolo ed altra ancora continuava a cadere. Allora ho cambiato piano e alle due presi una diligenza che non molte scosse ed un dollaro e mezzo m riporto a Cinabar, donde presi il treno per Livingston. Sono stato molto contento di non aver spesi i sessanta dollari per la diligenza che molto euforicamente chiamano stage perche in tal maniera si e obbligati a vedere quello che voglion gli altri, non quello che piace a noi. Inoltre, stante il cattivo tempo, probabilmente poco si sarebbe potuto vedere se pur il viaggio fosse stato possibile.
There I visited a few geysers, a few beautiful limestone deposits that formed from the boiling water, and in the evening I went to bed and decided I’d leave at 6 for my second round. But maybe the season was a little too advanced because when I woke up a hand of snow had fallen and more was falling. So I changed my plan and at two I took a [diligence?] with lots of kicks and shocks, which for a dollar and a half carried me to Cinabar, where I took the train back to Livingston. I was very pleased that I didn’t spend seventy dollars for the [diligence] which is very euphorically called a stage, because in this way you’re obligated to visit whatever the group wants to see, and not what we would like to see. Moreover, given the bad weather, probably little could have been seen, even if the journey had been possible.
There I visited a few geysers, a few beautiful limestone deposits that formed from the boiling water, and in the evening I went to bed and decided I’d leave at 6 for my second round. But maybe the season was a little too advanced because when I woke up a hand of snow had fallen and more was falling. So I changed my plan and at two I took a [diligence?] with lots of kicks and shocks, which for a dollar and a half carried me to Cinabar, where I took the train back to Livingston. I was very pleased that I didn’t spend seventy dollars for the [diligence] which is very euphorically called a stage, because in this way you’re obligated to visit whatever the group wants to see, and not what we would like to see. Moreover, given the bad weather, probably little could have been seen, even if the journey had been possible.
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