Attratto dunque dalle descrizioni di questo Yellowstone Park io abbandonai martedi St Paul e presi il treno per Livingston da cui si diparte una diramazione di ferrovia che porta vicino ai limiti del parco. Lasciai il baule con entro la valigia a Livingston, piccolo villaggio rinomato per esser luogo di convengo per i cacciatori che trovan nei dintorni alci orsi cervi cigni etc, e con un a camicia e qualche altro oggetto avvoltolato nell’impermeabile e nella coperta, mi in camminai pel mil viaggio servendomi della ferrovia fin che potei e delle gambe per i tredici chilometri che vengon dopo. Arrivai verso le 3 ad un albergo ben situato su di un altipiano in mezzo ad alture e la mi fermai con l’intenzione di proseguire il giorno dopo.
Attracted by the descriptions of this Yellowstone Park I abandoned St. Paul on Tuesday and took the train to Livingston that departed on a branch of the railroad that took me close to the limits of the park. I left my trunk, with my suitcase inside, in Livingston, a small town renowned by hunters who find lots of moose, bears, deer and geese in the surrounding area, and with a shirt and a couple of other things curled up in my raincoat and blanket, I started my voyage making use of the railroad for as long as I could and the continuing by foot for thirteen kilometers after that. Around three I arrived at a hotel that was well situated on a plateau in the midst of hills and I stopped there with the intention of continuing the next day.
Attracted by the descriptions of this Yellowstone Park I abandoned St. Paul on Tuesday and took the train to Livingston that departed on a branch of the railroad that took me close to the limits of the park. I left my trunk, with my suitcase inside, in Livingston, a small town renowned by hunters who find lots of moose, bears, deer and geese in the surrounding area, and with a shirt and a couple of other things curled up in my raincoat and blanket, I started my voyage making use of the railroad for as long as I could and the continuing by foot for thirteen kilometers after that. Around three I arrived at a hotel that was well situated on a plateau in the midst of hills and I stopped there with the intention of continuing the next day.
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