I almost feel like opening a bottle of champagne. Camillo arrives in San Francisco!
Carissima mamma,
Eccomi arrivato a San Francisco dopo un viaggio un po’ lunghetto ma estremamente fortunato, come potrai vedere dalla susseguente descrizione del medesimo. Ma per procedere con ordine e perche tu, lo zio ed i Marselli siate informati appuntino, delle cose mie, ripigliero la narrazione dal punto ove l’ho lasciata l’ultima volta.
Dearest mamma,
Here I am, I’ve arrived in San Francisco after a trip that was a little long, but extremely fortunate, as you will see in the following description. But to proceed in good order and to keep you, uncle and the Marsellis up to date on my news, I’ll start from where I left off the last time.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
May 24, 2012
Ieri mattina glorioso e trionfonte me ne vado con le mie lettere verso il centro degli affari e mentre sto aspettando il tramway (elettrico) vedo un gran edifizio. Domando che cosa e. E una scuola. Tanto per non perder l’occasione entro dentro e domando del direttore. Sono introdotto e mi presento ad un certo sig. Barrow, un uomo simpaticissimo sulla quarantina, e gli dico che sarei molto felice se potessi aver alcune informazioni sulle scuole di Tacoma. Devi sapere che Tacoma possiede 17 scuole pubbliche frequente da piu di 4000 studenti e studentesse e che del resto queti americani appena hanno fondato un villaggio con 10 capanne vi fondano subito la loro brava scuola quando pure non vi metton un’universita.
Continuo la lettera come s niente fosse comeche sien passati due giorni e 800 chilometri circa. Dunque il Sig. Barto, direttore di quella schula, mi accoglie splendidamente e mi conduce per tutte le aule...Ma di questo parlero in una mia prossima.
Per ora ti dico che sono arrivato felicemente a Seattle, dove mi fermero 2 giorni, dopo andro a Portland (3 giorni), quindi a Salem (Oregon), e finalmente a San Francisco.
Tante belle cose allo zio. Ricordami ai conoscenti ad Ep e Tom.
Baci ad Emma Carlo e bambini.
Tanti baci da
Yesterday morning I triumphantly went with my letters to the to the center of business and while I was waiting for the tramway (electric) I see a big building. I ask what it is. It’s a school. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I go in and ask for the director. I was introduced and presented to a certain Signor Bartow, a very kind man in his forties, and I told him that it would be great if he could give me some information about the schools in Tacoma. I found out that Tacoma has 17 public schools that are attended by more than 4,000 students (men and women) and that there are these Americans who just founded a new village with 10 cabins and soon they will start their own great school, and also a university.
I’m continuing this letter like nothing has happened, except about two days and eighty kilometers. Mr. Bartow, director of this school welcomed me very warmly and introduced me to everyone in the classrooms...But I’ll tell you about this in my next letter.
For now I’ll just tell you that I happily arrived in Seattle, where I stayed 2 days; then I’ll go to Portland (3 days), then Salem (Oregon), and finally to San Francisco.
Lots of good wishes to uncle. Tell everyone I say hello, especially Ep and Tom.
Kisses to Emma and Carlo and the kids.
Lots of kisses from,
Continuo la lettera come s niente fosse comeche sien passati due giorni e 800 chilometri circa. Dunque il Sig. Barto, direttore di quella schula, mi accoglie splendidamente e mi conduce per tutte le aule...Ma di questo parlero in una mia prossima.
Per ora ti dico che sono arrivato felicemente a Seattle, dove mi fermero 2 giorni, dopo andro a Portland (3 giorni), quindi a Salem (Oregon), e finalmente a San Francisco.
Tante belle cose allo zio. Ricordami ai conoscenti ad Ep e Tom.
Baci ad Emma Carlo e bambini.
Tanti baci da
Yesterday morning I triumphantly went with my letters to the to the center of business and while I was waiting for the tramway (electric) I see a big building. I ask what it is. It’s a school. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I go in and ask for the director. I was introduced and presented to a certain Signor Bartow, a very kind man in his forties, and I told him that it would be great if he could give me some information about the schools in Tacoma. I found out that Tacoma has 17 public schools that are attended by more than 4,000 students (men and women) and that there are these Americans who just founded a new village with 10 cabins and soon they will start their own great school, and also a university.
I’m continuing this letter like nothing has happened, except about two days and eighty kilometers. Mr. Bartow, director of this school welcomed me very warmly and introduced me to everyone in the classrooms...But I’ll tell you about this in my next letter.
For now I’ll just tell you that I happily arrived in Seattle, where I stayed 2 days; then I’ll go to Portland (3 days), then Salem (Oregon), and finally to San Francisco.
Lots of good wishes to uncle. Tell everyone I say hello, especially Ep and Tom.
Kisses to Emma and Carlo and the kids.
Lots of kisses from,
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
May 23, 2012
Tacoma (la citta del destino) mi ha lasciato una impressione eccelente forse anche perche vi ho ricevuto un mondo di gentilezza. Figurati che subito dopo sceso dalla ferrovia vado secondo il mio solito a dare una guardatina alla citta e come gia a St. Paul, trovo una bella camera amobiliata a 75 centesimi. Dopo ritirato il mio baule alla stazione, entro in un magazzino di macchine per curiosare e trovo un signore gentilissimo che saputo che io viaggiavo per mio divertimento e che desideravo veder fabbriche e luoghi d’interesse im scrive due lettere di introduzione per il direttore del Commercial Club, che e uno dei migliori, e pel presidente della Camera di commercio.
I also have gotten an excellent impression of Tacoma (my current destination) because I’ve received a world of kindness. Right after getting of the train I went by myself to take a look at the city, like I did in St. Paul, and I found a nice furnished room for 75 cents. Then I left my trunk at the station, out of curiousity I went into a machine store and I found a friendly man who knew that I was traveling for fun and that I wanted to see factories and other interesting sites, and he wrote me two letters of introduction to The Commercial [maybe actually Commerce] Club (one of the best in the city) and to the President of the Chamber of Commerce.
I also have gotten an excellent impression of Tacoma (my current destination) because I’ve received a world of kindness. Right after getting of the train I went by myself to take a look at the city, like I did in St. Paul, and I found a nice furnished room for 75 cents. Then I left my trunk at the station, out of curiousity I went into a machine store and I found a friendly man who knew that I was traveling for fun and that I wanted to see factories and other interesting sites, and he wrote me two letters of introduction to The Commercial [maybe actually Commerce] Club (one of the best in the city) and to the President of the Chamber of Commerce.
Monday, May 21, 2012
May 17, 2012
Capirai che questo forma per lo stato una risorsa immensa e che si fara maggiore ogni giorno piu con l’accrescersi dei commerci e delle industrie. Si puo dire che in questo porto posson trovare rifugio sicuro tutte le navi del mondo contemporaneamente. Quattro citta importanti sorgon in questa baia: Tacoma in cui sono attualmente, Seattle ove andro domani, Everett e Victoria. Altre certamente sorgeranno in futuro.
I would think that this immense resource would become greater everyday with the growth of commerce and industry. You could say that all of the boats in the contemporary world could find refuge in this port. Four important cities have arisen in this bay. Tacoma, where I am now, Seattle, where I’ll go tomorrow, Everett and Victoria. Others will cerainly appear in the future.
I would think that this immense resource would become greater everyday with the growth of commerce and industry. You could say that all of the boats in the contemporary world could find refuge in this port. Four important cities have arisen in this bay. Tacoma, where I am now, Seattle, where I’ll go tomorrow, Everett and Victoria. Others will cerainly appear in the future.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
May 18, 2012
Tacoma in cui giunsi in l’altro giorno, e una bella citta che ora conta 50,000 abitanti ma che vent’anni fa non esisteva. Essa e situata sopra una collina i cui piedi sono bagnati dalle acque salse del Puget Sound. Questo non so se chiamarlo laguna o mare interno o estuario. E certo che e una cosa meravigliosa ed e una risorsa incalcolabile per queste regioni. Figurati un porto naturale avente un’area di circa 4000 km quadrati con una costa frastagliatissima lunga circa 2400 chilometri, profondissimo, cosicche le navi anche le piu grandi, non posson trovar fondo, nepure in vicinanza della riva.
I arrived in Tacoma the other morning, a beautiful city with 50,000 inhabitants that didn’t exist twenty years ago. It’s situated on top of a hill, the feet of which bathe in the water of the Puget Sound. I’m not sure if you would call the sound a lake, and inner sea, or an estuary. It’s certain that it’s an incredible sight and an incalculable resource for these regions. I figured a natural port with an area of around 4,000 square kms with a bay about 2400 kms long, so deep that even ships, even the largest you can imagine don’t find the bottom, not even in the proximity of the river.
I arrived in Tacoma the other morning, a beautiful city with 50,000 inhabitants that didn’t exist twenty years ago. It’s situated on top of a hill, the feet of which bathe in the water of the Puget Sound. I’m not sure if you would call the sound a lake, and inner sea, or an estuary. It’s certain that it’s an incredible sight and an incalculable resource for these regions. I figured a natural port with an area of around 4,000 square kms with a bay about 2400 kms long, so deep that even ships, even the largest you can imagine don’t find the bottom, not even in the proximity of the river.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
May 9, 2012
E tale la quantita che ora solo gli alberi situati nelle vicinanze dei fiumi e delle ferrovie vengon tagliati e vengon solo scelti i piu belli e questi tagliati a due o tre metri dalla radice e cio per render il lavoro meno faticoso. E una vera scrematura quello che fanno ora e lasciano il latte ai nipoti perche non lo considerano una bevanda degna della presente eta.
Its such a quantity of wood that now, only the trees near the rivers and railways will be cut, and only the nicest are chosen and these are cut two or three meters from the root so the the work will be less difficult. What they are really doing now is skimming the cream and leaving the milk for their grandchildren because it’s not considered a worthy drink in the present era.
Its such a quantity of wood that now, only the trees near the rivers and railways will be cut, and only the nicest are chosen and these are cut two or three meters from the root so the the work will be less difficult. What they are really doing now is skimming the cream and leaving the milk for their grandchildren because it’s not considered a worthy drink in the present era.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
La quantita di legname che questo stato possiede e qualcosa di straordinario. Gli alberi, comeche di proporzioni piu che rispettabili (alcuni raggiungono due metri di diametro e molti superano il metro), non sono cosi grandi come i giganti della California di cui vidi all’Espozisione di Chicago un esemplare di 8 metri di diametro, ma pero sono alti (molti raggiungono i 25 metri prima d’assottigliarsi sensibilmente), diritti e forniscono un ottimo legname da costruzione. Ma quello che e piu sorprendente e la quantita di questi alberi. La ferrovia passa per miglia e miglia in una strada praticata nella viva foresta e gli alberi sono cosi fitti che non ci si puo vedere attraverso.
The quantity of timber that this state has is something extraordinary. The trees, even though they are of more than respectable proportion (some reach two meters in diameter and most more than a meter), they aren’t as big as the gigantic trees that live in California like the 8 meter diameter one that we saw at the Chicago Exposition, but they are tall (most reach 25 meters before they thin considerably) and straight and provide excellent timber for construction. But the thing that is most surprising is the quantity of these trees. The rails pass by miles and miles in a stretch through the live forest and the trees are so thick that you can’t see across.
The quantity of timber that this state has is something extraordinary. The trees, even though they are of more than respectable proportion (some reach two meters in diameter and most more than a meter), they aren’t as big as the gigantic trees that live in California like the 8 meter diameter one that we saw at the Chicago Exposition, but they are tall (most reach 25 meters before they thin considerably) and straight and provide excellent timber for construction. But the thing that is most surprising is the quantity of these trees. The rails pass by miles and miles in a stretch through the live forest and the trees are so thick that you can’t see across.
Monday, May 7, 2012
May 7, 2012
Dunque domenica mattina lasciai Helena diretto a Tacoma (Washington). Questa volta avevo da passare una notte sola in viaggio e presi lo sleeping solo dalla sera al mattino (2 dollari). Nel viaggio godei dello spettacolo splendido, comeche un po menomato dal tempo discretamente cattivo, delle montagne rocciose prima e delle fitte foreste e delle valli verdi dello stato di Wasington dopo. Lo stato di Washington e situato a nord-ovest degli stati uniti, ma ciononostante grazie alla benigna influenza del Pacifico ha una clima mite, ma umido, simile a quello dell’Inghilterra. Comeche pieno di risorse e poco populato (350,000 abitanti su d’una estensione di terra grande piu dell’Italia), ma non e dubbio che fra pochi anni sara, come del resto si puo dire degli altri stati della costa del Pacifico, uno dei piu fiorenti.
So, Sunday morning I left Helena to go to Tacoma (Washington) directly. This trip was only one night long and I took a sleeping car to myself from night until morning (2 dollars). I enjoyed spectacular views during the trip, however some fairly bad weather interfered with the views, of the rocky mountains at first and then thick forest and then the green valleys of the state of Washington. The state of Washington is in the north-west of the United States, but nevertheless, thanks to the benign influence of the Pacific it has a mild, but humid climate like England. However, its full of resources and not many people (350,000 inhabitants on an extension of land bigger than Italy), but there’s no doubt that in a few years, like the rest of the Pacific coast it will be one of the most successful.
So, Sunday morning I left Helena to go to Tacoma (Washington) directly. This trip was only one night long and I took a sleeping car to myself from night until morning (2 dollars). I enjoyed spectacular views during the trip, however some fairly bad weather interfered with the views, of the rocky mountains at first and then thick forest and then the green valleys of the state of Washington. The state of Washington is in the north-west of the United States, but nevertheless, thanks to the benign influence of the Pacific it has a mild, but humid climate like England. However, its full of resources and not many people (350,000 inhabitants on an extension of land bigger than Italy), but there’s no doubt that in a few years, like the rest of the Pacific coast it will be one of the most successful.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
May 2, 2012
Forse avrei fatto bene ad andare a Butte, gran centro minerario ove si trovan i re del rame e dell’argento, ma vi son tante citta da vedere in questa enorme America che bisognerebbe passarci una vita. Del rest sono enormemente soddisfatto di esser venuto verso l’Ovest perche le citta di queste regioni persentano caratteri assolutamente nuovi e sono molto diverse ed anche piu interessanti delle consorelle relativamente vecchie dell’Est.
It might have been good to go to Butte the great center of mining, where you can find the kings of copper and silver, but there are so many cities in this enormous America that it would take a lifetime to see them all. That said, I’m enormously pleased to have come to see the West, because the cities in this region present absolutely new qualities and are all very different and and more interesting than their realtively old sisters in the East.
It might have been good to go to Butte the great center of mining, where you can find the kings of copper and silver, but there are so many cities in this enormous America that it would take a lifetime to see them all. That said, I’m enormously pleased to have come to see the West, because the cities in this region present absolutely new qualities and are all very different and and more interesting than their realtively old sisters in the East.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
May 1, 2012
Helena e una citta strana che ha qualcosa della grande citta e qualcosa del villaggio. Grandi edifizi di pietre e marmi nel cenetro, tramways elettrici per ogni dove, vie larghe, ma mal selciate. E situata su una collina e la vista deve esser molto bella comeche io, stante il cattivo tempo non l’abbai potuto godere. Ho speso gran parte delle 24 ore che ho passato cola nel visitare una miniera d’oro situata a 6 chilometri dalla citta. L’oro si trova misto a quarzo e vien scavato e pesato e separato dalla ganga per mezzo del mercurio. Andai a questa miniera a piedi, ma grazie alla cortesia del direttore ritornai all’albergo in carrozza.
Helena is a strange city that is a little bit like a big city and a little bit like a village. In the center there are big buildings made of stone and marble, electric trams that go everywhere, wide streets, but terrible pavement. It’s located on a hill and the view is supposed to be beautiful, except because of the bad weather I didn’t have the chance to enjoy it. I spent most of my 24 hours here visiting a gold mine six kilometers outside the city. The gold is found mixed in with quartz and is excavated and weighed and is separated from the gangue by means of mercury. I made my way to this mine by foot, but thanks to the courtesy of the director, I returned to the hotel by carriage.
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