E tale la quantita che ora solo gli alberi situati nelle vicinanze dei fiumi e delle ferrovie vengon tagliati e vengon solo scelti i piu belli e questi tagliati a due o tre metri dalla radice e cio per render il lavoro meno faticoso. E una vera scrematura quello che fanno ora e lasciano il latte ai nipoti perche non lo considerano una bevanda degna della presente eta.
Its such a quantity of wood that now, only the trees near the rivers and railways will be cut, and only the nicest are chosen and these are cut two or three meters from the root so the the work will be less difficult. What they are really doing now is skimming the cream and leaving the milk for their grandchildren because it’s not considered a worthy drink in the present era.
Its such a quantity of wood that now, only the trees near the rivers and railways will be cut, and only the nicest are chosen and these are cut two or three meters from the root so the the work will be less difficult. What they are really doing now is skimming the cream and leaving the milk for their grandchildren because it’s not considered a worthy drink in the present era.
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