Dunque domenica mattina lasciai Helena diretto a Tacoma (Washington). Questa volta avevo da passare una notte sola in viaggio e presi lo sleeping solo dalla sera al mattino (2 dollari). Nel viaggio godei dello spettacolo splendido, comeche un po menomato dal tempo discretamente cattivo, delle montagne rocciose prima e delle fitte foreste e delle valli verdi dello stato di Wasington dopo. Lo stato di Washington e situato a nord-ovest degli stati uniti, ma ciononostante grazie alla benigna influenza del Pacifico ha una clima mite, ma umido, simile a quello dell’Inghilterra. Comeche pieno di risorse e poco populato (350,000 abitanti su d’una estensione di terra grande piu dell’Italia), ma non e dubbio che fra pochi anni sara, come del resto si puo dire degli altri stati della costa del Pacifico, uno dei piu fiorenti.
So, Sunday morning I left Helena to go to Tacoma (Washington) directly. This trip was only one night long and I took a sleeping car to myself from night until morning (2 dollars). I enjoyed spectacular views during the trip, however some fairly bad weather interfered with the views, of the rocky mountains at first and then thick forest and then the green valleys of the state of Washington. The state of Washington is in the north-west of the United States, but nevertheless, thanks to the benign influence of the Pacific it has a mild, but humid climate like England. However, its full of resources and not many people (350,000 inhabitants on an extension of land bigger than Italy), but there’s no doubt that in a few years, like the rest of the Pacific coast it will be one of the most successful.
So, Sunday morning I left Helena to go to Tacoma (Washington) directly. This trip was only one night long and I took a sleeping car to myself from night until morning (2 dollars). I enjoyed spectacular views during the trip, however some fairly bad weather interfered with the views, of the rocky mountains at first and then thick forest and then the green valleys of the state of Washington. The state of Washington is in the north-west of the United States, but nevertheless, thanks to the benign influence of the Pacific it has a mild, but humid climate like England. However, its full of resources and not many people (350,000 inhabitants on an extension of land bigger than Italy), but there’s no doubt that in a few years, like the rest of the Pacific coast it will be one of the most successful.
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