Capirai che questo forma per lo stato una risorsa immensa e che si fara maggiore ogni giorno piu con l’accrescersi dei commerci e delle industrie. Si puo dire che in questo porto posson trovare rifugio sicuro tutte le navi del mondo contemporaneamente. Quattro citta importanti sorgon in questa baia: Tacoma in cui sono attualmente, Seattle ove andro domani, Everett e Victoria. Altre certamente sorgeranno in futuro.
I would think that this immense resource would become greater everyday with the growth of commerce and industry. You could say that all of the boats in the contemporary world could find refuge in this port. Four important cities have arisen in this bay. Tacoma, where I am now, Seattle, where I’ll go tomorrow, Everett and Victoria. Others will cerainly appear in the future.
I would think that this immense resource would become greater everyday with the growth of commerce and industry. You could say that all of the boats in the contemporary world could find refuge in this port. Four important cities have arisen in this bay. Tacoma, where I am now, Seattle, where I’ll go tomorrow, Everett and Victoria. Others will cerainly appear in the future.
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