Intanto avevo osservato un piccolo vaporino che si dirigeva appunto la dove ero io e che poco dopo infatti venne a toccar terra in una insenatura sotto la collina della “soldier home”. Domandai dove era diretto. Mi risposero che andavano a St. Paul, ma che facevan un giro un po’ vizioso poiche dovevan andare tre miglia piu in su, poi tornare indietro, fermarsi due ore a Fort Snelling e finalmente verso le 5 ½ partire definitivamente per St. Paul. Siccome non avevo furia ed avevo spedito gia i bagagli a St. Paul, ho pensato di montare sul battello e di lasciarmi guidare in tutte le sue peregrinazioni, e non me ne trovai male davvero perche i paesaggio e stato sempre bello e svariato. Ci si spinse prima a nord fino a Groveland Park, una specie di bosco ove i minneapolitani vengon far le loro merende.
Then I saw a small steamer that was directed where I was and, in fact, it touched down shortly after in a creek below the “soldier home” in the hill. I asked where it went right away. The replied that they did a little tour in which they went three miles more or less, then they turned around, stopping two hours at Fort Snelling, and then at around 5:30 they would leave for St. Paul. Since I didn’t have (furia--rage?), and I had sent all our luggage to St. Paul, I thought to take the boat and let myself be guided in all its wanterings, and I didn’t find it bad at all because the strip was beautiful and varied (interesting?). We first went north, as far as Groveland Park, a kind of forest where the people from Minneapolis go to take their picnics.
Then I saw a small steamer that was directed where I was and, in fact, it touched down shortly after in a creek below the “soldier home” in the hill. I asked where it went right away. The replied that they did a little tour in which they went three miles more or less, then they turned around, stopping two hours at Fort Snelling, and then at around 5:30 they would leave for St. Paul. Since I didn’t have (furia--rage?), and I had sent all our luggage to St. Paul, I thought to take the boat and let myself be guided in all its wanterings, and I didn’t find it bad at all because the strip was beautiful and varied (interesting?). We first went north, as far as Groveland Park, a kind of forest where the people from Minneapolis go to take their picnics.
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