I'm excited to be publishing this post, because this letter was long and finishing it feels like a great milestone for me (I've been working on this particular letter since 11/29/2011). In the next letter Camillo will announce his change in plans. He does not head home as he originally intended, he decides to go west. California here we come!
Sono stato pure a fare una passeggiata in tram elettrico fino al lago. Henriette, un bellissimo bacino non molto grande, ma assai pittoresco. Domani abbandonero Minneapolis e andro a St. Paul, citta gemella di Minneapolis e poco distante da questa. A St. Paul conto di prendere un battello e arrivare per acqua (sul Mississippi) in 4 giorni a St. Louis (Missouri). Ora ti lascio non senza averti detto che a Chicago non ho piu ricevuto ne lettere tue ne Emma ne di Carlo e chel le tre lettere che ho ricevute cola eran molto incomplete e non dicevan nulla e si vedevan scritte proprio perche non potevi far a meno. Spero a Quebec (canada) di riceverne di piu interessanti. Ricordati di chiamare Giannotti e di dirgli nel modo piu esplicito che volgio che quel piantamento in Chiusura si faccia ad ogni costo.
Vorrei scrivere due righe allo zio ma ora non posso. Tu fammi il piacere di leggergli questa lettera e di dirgli tante belle cose da parte mia. Naturalmente questa lettera servira anche a dare mi notizie ad Emma ed a Carlo ed ai bimbi. Ho ricevuto una cartolina di Piero. Rigrazialo e digli che mi scriva ancora piu lungo. Saluti alle signore Riva, Carenzi, Gozo, Realis, Demaria, Rossi, etc. Mi rincresce che per venti giorni almeno non recevero piu vostre notizie. Ricordami ad Epifania e Tommasin.
I also took a trip on an electric tram out to the lake. Henriette is a beautiful pond, not too big but very picturesque. Tomorrow I leave Minneapolis and will go to St. Paul, the twin city to Minneapolis that is not too far from here. To get to St. Paul, I’ll go by water (on the Mississippi) and it will take four days to get to St. Louis (Missouri).
Now I’ll sign off, but not without having said that in Chicago I didn’t receive your letter, nor the one from Emma, nor the one from Carlo, and that the three letters that I did receive were very incomplete and didn’t say anything and I hope you can see it to really write a letter, that’s the least you could do. I hope that in Quebec I’ll receive some letters that are a little more interesting. Remember to call Gianotti and tell him that I plan to build a plant in Chisura at any cost [could someone confirm that this is an accurate translation].
I’d like to write two lines to uncle but I’m not able to right now. Give him my greetings, read him this letter, and send him all my love. Naturally, this letter is also intended for reporting my news to Emma, Carlo and the kids. I received a postcard from Piero. Please thank him for me and tell him to write me again, but a little longer next time. Send my regards to the Rivas, Carenzis, Gozos, Realises, the Demarias, the Rossis, etc.
I’m sorry that I haven’t received news from you in twenty days or more.
Give my love to Epifania and Tommasin.
Vorrei scrivere due righe allo zio ma ora non posso. Tu fammi il piacere di leggergli questa lettera e di dirgli tante belle cose da parte mia. Naturalmente questa lettera servira anche a dare mi notizie ad Emma ed a Carlo ed ai bimbi. Ho ricevuto una cartolina di Piero. Rigrazialo e digli che mi scriva ancora piu lungo. Saluti alle signore Riva, Carenzi, Gozo, Realis, Demaria, Rossi, etc. Mi rincresce che per venti giorni almeno non recevero piu vostre notizie. Ricordami ad Epifania e Tommasin.
I also took a trip on an electric tram out to the lake. Henriette is a beautiful pond, not too big but very picturesque. Tomorrow I leave Minneapolis and will go to St. Paul, the twin city to Minneapolis that is not too far from here. To get to St. Paul, I’ll go by water (on the Mississippi) and it will take four days to get to St. Louis (Missouri).
Now I’ll sign off, but not without having said that in Chicago I didn’t receive your letter, nor the one from Emma, nor the one from Carlo, and that the three letters that I did receive were very incomplete and didn’t say anything and I hope you can see it to really write a letter, that’s the least you could do. I hope that in Quebec I’ll receive some letters that are a little more interesting. Remember to call Gianotti and tell him that I plan to build a plant in Chisura at any cost [could someone confirm that this is an accurate translation].
I’d like to write two lines to uncle but I’m not able to right now. Give him my greetings, read him this letter, and send him all my love. Naturally, this letter is also intended for reporting my news to Emma, Carlo and the kids. I received a postcard from Piero. Please thank him for me and tell him to write me again, but a little longer next time. Send my regards to the Rivas, Carenzis, Gozos, Realises, the Demarias, the Rossis, etc.
I’m sorry that I haven’t received news from you in twenty days or more.
Give my love to Epifania and Tommasin.
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