Stamani poi andai a visitare dei mulini (largest in the world) e alcuni impianti elettrici e delle segherie. Quest’ultime sono sovratutto interesanti, e degne d’esser viste. Come del resto la maggior parte degli United States, la vallanta superiore del Mississippi e ricchissima di legnamei; tronchi vegnon tagliati e poscia contrassegnati con una marca speciale a ciascun proprietario e poi vegnon immersi nel Mississippi e lasciati trasportare del corrente. Una volta che sono immersi nell’aqua il proprietario non ci pensa piu, perche essi vegnon posti sotto la protezione di una compagnia i cui agenti non solo guardano acciocche non sien derubati o dispersi, ma anche li selezionano secondo le dimensioni e le qualita.
This morning I went and visited some mills (the largest in the world) and some electrical plants and a few saw mills. The saw mills were the most interesting and worth seeing. Like most of the rest of the United States the Mississippi and upper Vallanta are rich with timber; the trunks are cut and marked with a special brand for each company and then are immerssed in the Mississippi for the current to transport them. Once they’ve been cut, the proprietor doesn’t worry about them anymore because they are placed under the protection of a company whose officers not only look after them, but select them for size and quality.
This morning I went and visited some mills (the largest in the world) and some electrical plants and a few saw mills. The saw mills were the most interesting and worth seeing. Like most of the rest of the United States the Mississippi and upper Vallanta are rich with timber; the trunks are cut and marked with a special brand for each company and then are immerssed in the Mississippi for the current to transport them. Once they’ve been cut, the proprietor doesn’t worry about them anymore because they are placed under the protection of a company whose officers not only look after them, but select them for size and quality.
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