Dopo l’intervista sono andato a trovare un ingegnere per cui avevo una lettere di raccomandazione della Societa degli ingegneri di Chicago. Egli me fece vedere un’esposizionella regionale che si tiene ogni anno a Minneapolis e mi diede bigliette onde visitare alcune fabbriche. Alla sera andai a teatro. Vi era un dramma a forti tinte con ipnostism e uccisioni e testamenti e dito di dio ed esaltazione dell’innocente e punizione del colpevole ed altre mille belle cose da arena. Per me pero fece piu impressione il pubblico che lo spettacolo, questo pubblico infantile che si commuove e si immedesima in un dramma impossibile che applaude le buone azioni e disaprova le contrarie nella maniera piu buffa del mondo.
After the interview I went to find an engineer for whom I had a letter of recommendation from the Chicago Engineers Society. He took me to see a small regional exposition that they have every year in Minneapolis and he gave me tickets to see a few factories. In the evening I went to the theatre. There was a drama with intense colors hypnotism and killing and wills, the hand of god, exaltation of the innocent, punishment of the guilty and a thousand other beautiful things in the arena. For me, however, the audience made a bigger impression than the show, this childish audience that is so moved and so identified with an impossible drama that they cheer for the “good guys” and boo for the “bad guys” was the funniest thing I’ve seen in the world.
After the interview I went to find an engineer for whom I had a letter of recommendation from the Chicago Engineers Society. He took me to see a small regional exposition that they have every year in Minneapolis and he gave me tickets to see a few factories. In the evening I went to the theatre. There was a drama with intense colors hypnotism and killing and wills, the hand of god, exaltation of the innocent, punishment of the guilty and a thousand other beautiful things in the arena. For me, however, the audience made a bigger impression than the show, this childish audience that is so moved and so identified with an impossible drama that they cheer for the “good guys” and boo for the “bad guys” was the funniest thing I’ve seen in the world.
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