Attratto dalla bellezza dei luoghi m incamminai per un sentiero a lato del Minnehaha e dopo un’oretta di cammino arrivai ad un gran fiume. Era il Mississippi con le sue rive montuose e verdeggianti e le sue isolette graziosissime. Costeggiai alquanto questo fiume finche giunsi ad un luogo abitato. Era la “soldier home” un aggruppanmento di otto o dieci case eleganti assai che servon di abitazione ad un duecento veterani della guerra di secessione. Per dir la verita questi signori hanno fatto come i monaci. Si sono scelti una spendida collina una vista incantevole e la passan i loro giorni godendo intieramente le gioie della vita contemplativa....Parlai con alcuni di questi vecchioni che furon assai gentili e mi diedero la loro paterna benedizione “God blesse you” (spelling mistake in original) mi dissero quando mi congedai da loro. Altrettanto, gli riposi io e buona notte.
Attracted by the beauty of the place, I walked along a path along the edge of the Minnehaha and after an hour of walking I arrived at a wide river. It was the Mississippi with its huge, verdant banks and its delightful little islands. I walked along the river until I came to a place where people lived. It was a “soldier home,” a group of eight or ten very elegant houses that serve as a home for about two hundred veterans of the Civil War. I’m telling the truth, these veterans serve as monks. They have chosen a splendid hilltop with enchanting views and they pass their day entirely enjoying the pleasures of the contemplative life. I spoke with some of these elders (old guys?) who were very kind and gave me their paternal blessing “God bless you” when I took leave of them. Same to you and good night, I replied.
Attracted by the beauty of the place, I walked along a path along the edge of the Minnehaha and after an hour of walking I arrived at a wide river. It was the Mississippi with its huge, verdant banks and its delightful little islands. I walked along the river until I came to a place where people lived. It was a “soldier home,” a group of eight or ten very elegant houses that serve as a home for about two hundred veterans of the Civil War. I’m telling the truth, these veterans serve as monks. They have chosen a splendid hilltop with enchanting views and they pass their day entirely enjoying the pleasures of the contemplative life. I spoke with some of these elders (old guys?) who were very kind and gave me their paternal blessing “God bless you” when I took leave of them. Same to you and good night, I replied.
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