Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9, 2013

Welcome to any new readers! Thanks for visiting! Until recently I think we've mostly been family here, but the traffic is trending up. If you're new to the blog, I'd love to hear from you about your interest in the history of Olivetti. Hope you're having a great January so far!

13 dicembre 1893
Palo Alto

Carissima Emma,
Ricevuta tua lettera, lettera bimbi, giornali etc. etc.  Grazie di tutto.  Ti ho spedito un album con delle belle vedute di Chicago.  Quelle delle citta sono prese dal vero; non cosi quelle dell’Esposizione che son state prese da un brutto progetto che e stato poi molto abbellito. Siccome possiedo delle fotografie dal vero dell’ Esposizione te le faro vedere quanto verro in Italia.  Ho spedito a mamma delle altre fotografie tra cui in piccolo album con delle vedute dell’Universita Stanford.

Sono contento che la casa ti ricominci a piacere e che tutto vada bene.  I qui continuo a trovarmi piuttosto bene, ma quando la stagione invernale se ne sara ita riprendero probabilmente il mio viaggio di ritorno, e cio per molte ragioni.

Non posso dirti nulla di nuovo perche avendo avuto da finire alcuni disegni no ho avuto tempo di fare altro.

Dearest Emma,
I received your letter, the letter from the kids, newspapers, etc.  Thank you for all of it.  I sent you an album with beautiful views of Chicago.  The ones I sent are of real life, they are not officially from the Exposition, as those were taken as part of a terrible project and then embellished.  However, I have real photographs from the Exposition and I’ll show them to you when I’m back in Italy.  I sent Mamma a few other photographs in a small album with views from Stanford University.

I’m glad that life at the house is starting to be pleasant again and that everything is going well.  I continue to find myself more or less well here, but when the winter season takes up, it will probably mean my return trip, for lots many reasons.

I can’t write you anything new, because of having had a few designs to finish I don’t have time for anything else.

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